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I grabbed the dirty dishes he had left on the table, and then headed to his room. He was going to train and needed to put on his armor, it was one of jobs to assist him. I fully understood this job, it was really hard to put it on yourself when the buckles were in such uncomfortable places.

I made my footsteps load purposely, so he would know I was coming. it was very unnatural to hear my footsteps this loud, another characteristic that the regulators hadn't noticed is that allegiant were very stealthy, we glided and made no noise while walking. I cringed every time my heal hit the wood.

I pushed the door open to find him struggling to put on a loose shirt while simultaneously taking off the shirt he had on.

I attempted to keep a straight face but couldn't help but doubled over laughing like a hysterical maniac. I dropped to my knees, still laughing as he glared,"you- don't- know- how stupid you look- just stop! I'll help you if it's that hard to put a shirt on!", I choked out between laughs.

"Yea yea, get your ass up and help me then. And stop laughing, I'm rushing! I still have it make it to the training yard!", he said as i managed to stagger up and come towards him, still trying to not cry because I'm laughing so hard.

I put my hand on my forehead and slowly bring it down my face, imagining that I'm wiping all my emotions off my face, and I finally stop laughing. Now my stomach hurts from it. He looks at me weirdly, probably because I went from uncontrollable laughter to no emotions in a matter of seconds.

I come over and start to disentangle him from both shirts. He managed to make it so one of his arms is stuck over his head, both shirts over his head, and one of his arms is through both the them, while the other is only through the one he had originally had on.

I twisted one of his arms so I could pull it out of the sleeve and put it down from on top of his head,"OW!!!", he moaned as I did.

"Stop being a baby, you got into this, you can get out"

After a few grumbled cursed towards me I got his arm out of the one he was trying to put on and he easily slid of the second one.

I took the advantage and studied him, he was defiantly muscular, there was no denying that, but I could see that his left arm was slightly weaker than his right. He also wasn't flexible, according to his curses about me pulling his arm back.

But if I were to punch him in the stomach I doubt it would hurt him too much, unless I went for the diaphragm to knock the air out his lungs.

I heard him snort and looked up to find him smirking down at me as he put on the undershirt he wore under his under armor, so it wouldn't chafe against his skin.

"What, were you checking me out?", he raised his eyebrow.

"No", I was figuring out ways to kill you with minimal energy, I thought. Ok maybe I was a little, but otherwise no, don't judge, he's good looking.

"Well I'm sorry, but I'm not into maids-.......?", he paused, asking for my name.

You'd rethink that if you knew I could probably figure out how to kill you ten ways with my pinky finger.

"My name is Annabel, and I'm not into self centered idiots, so don't worry. I doubt you could do simple math anyways, and I personally hate stupid people."

"Hhm, you sure about that, why don't you give me a problem?"

"Ok what's the missing variable in this; you plus M equals never happening"

He chuckled and grabbed the under armor, placing it over his head as I came around him a started buckling it together.

"What does M stand for?", he tapped his chin in make believe thought,"does it stand for your mother?"

Ok so I was usually ok with the stupid mom jokes, just letting it slide over me, but coming from one of them, anger flared up in me.

How dare he talk about my mother, his kind had killed her in cold blood. Slowly torturing her as I had to sit there and watch, bound and gagged. I was six then, I didn't know how to fight, but now I do.

Before he could even predict what I was going to do I slapped him a hard as I could, grabbed his arm and flipped him, bringing my knee up to hit his diaphragm.
"Put on your own fucking armor you jackass.", I spit at him, throwing the rest of it down on his head.

Then I turned and marched out the room, leaving him sputtering for breath and dazed with shock.

I was going to head out the door to get fresh air, but was stopped by Mrs. Herold.

"What are you doing? I heard a crash", she looked down at my fisted hands. "I hope you've gotten along with my son?"

Just then the devil himself ran out, his armor strapped on.

I turned and began walking out again but he grabbed my arm. I physically restrained myself so I wouldn't hit him again, I didn't need to be in trouble with his mother too.

He was still breathing hard after getting the wind knocked out of him,"wait! How- why- I didn't mean- HOW?!"

I rolled my eyes at him and wrenched my arm out of his grasp.

Great one Thalia, (Thalia is my real name), you just messed up two times in a row, now there going I be really suspicious, good job blowing your cover!, my conscious could be so annoying.

I just glared at him, wishing i could kill him with a look, wait I could, but I wouldn't, it was barbaric and no one of my kind would unless forced to by dire circumstances.

He seemed to get what he wanted to ask in order,"how did you do that? Even if I wasn't prepared for an ambush, I could have landed on my feet when you flipped me. How do you even know how to fight? Maids aren't supposed to, and only a trained person could know how to do what you did.", his eyes were dead serious as he looked into mine.

"I already explained this to your mother", I said before walking out, I needed to get away from him for a while.

I decided to go back on the paths that led into the woods behind their house. The path was frequently walked and was short cut to the training grounds, if you knew what paths to take. Even if I was trying to avoid him at this moment, I should take this chance to see his fighting technique.

I continued to trudge through the underbrush.

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