
27 2 2

It was a week into our planning, and we had all been working night and day on it. As in, literally twenty four hours some days. Exhaustion was an understatement, I don't think I've ever been this tired.

Right now all of us were crowded into Thalia's room, since the Library was in use right now.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "Hello there, I finally found you!", a older lady in a maids dress came in.

"You all missed breakfast, it was over two hours ago. I came with some so you don't starve yourselves with all of that work.", the lady said, walking in with a small cart, filled with plates.

"Breakfast?", James asked, blinking at the food.

"Yes, it's almost noon now.", she answered.

As she went around placing trays around on the various surfaces, Carter absentmindedly picked up a piece of toast, even though he showed no recognition of the maid even being here. It was left forgotten in his hand before he even took a bite because he seemed to find a good article.

I went back to work as he went around, grabbing an orange without looking, and thinking it was an apple, trying to take a bite out of it.

I'd eat later, when I could look at my food, and as it seems, everyone else was thinking the same thing, especially after Thalia tried to dunk her hand in a cereal bowl filled with milk and flakes, spilling a handful of the stuff on the carpet and looking at it disapprovingly after shaking her hand off.

"Eat up, I'll be back later for your trays.", the lady said, leaving.

Everyone went back to work without even looking up, no one touching the food.
A loud knock on the door came, and in came a lady.

"I'm here to clean up your dishes.", she said as she walked in.

"You haven't eaten anything! Your breakfast is all cold!", she exclaimed as she saw us all.

I looked up, rubbing my sore blurry eyes.

"Breakfast? When did that happen? I'm pretty hungry, breakfast sounds good.", I mumbled.

"I brought you breakfast!", she said, sounding a little mad.

I looked over, and there was some food, eggs and sausage with coffee.

I speared a sausage and took a bite, it was ice cold.

"It's cold, maybe you could warm it up. Who made this? I don't remember asking for ice cold food.", I said, turning back to my work.

"It's cold because you let it sit in here for three hours without touching it!", she yelled.

"I don't remember getting food. It's only what? Eight?", I asked.

She huffed, grabbing the plates and walking out.

"Well that was odd, wonder why she's so moody.", Carter said, looking after the lady.

"Probably having a hard day.", Thalia said.

"Well I can't wait for some food, I'm starving."
"How about we go on a ride later? You kids need to get out more often, and I think a hunting trip is just the thing.", Mr. Herold asked as he came into the study where we were all lounging, Thalia reading a map and writing notes on a notepad for the next de-briefing.

I was sitting on the couch, Thalia leaning on my chest, her stuff scattered around her as I used her head to rest my tactical binder. Carter was in the chair in front of the desk, five different thickly bound books arranged around him. He was taking notes on information we had of the Allegiant, trying to find weaknesses, and switching between books rapidly, in a very unorderly process. James sat at the other couch, drawing up diagrams, and trying to find the easiest, and most cost efficient way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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