So, ive been tagged

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Yeah, one of my favorite authors: paintedbones , tagged me, so I'll do it here I guess. For any future readers, you'll be learning a bit about me today!

Also, PLEASE CHECK OUT HER BOOKS! She's an awesome writer, and EXTREMELY funny. (I suggest her book on gingers, : ) laughed my head off many times!) and sorry that this is late, I've been busy studying for finals, or more accurately, trying to study for finals and failing.

Name?- call me Peb's or pebbles. : )

Height?- 5:3? Maybe? I don't really know

Weight?- 118? Idk, I meant to check last time I was sick, but I forgot

Age?- early teens

Birthday?- first day of school, I hate it

Girl bestie?- um, I have 7 of them

Guy bestie?- Gene, no matter how much I want to knock him up side the head or we argue about everything, he is still the bomb

Crush?- nope, and I'm being honest here, I don't really like anyone

Ever fall in love?- nope, unless you mean with a book, or my husby

Favorite person? (Ha, I spell favorite the British way a lot, and it corrected it. Idk why though)- Jesse Waters from 'Waters World' on Fox News. I love watching the news, I'm a weird child.

Last txt?-

That picture says 'kidnap? I prefer the term 'surprise adoption''

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

That picture says 'kidnap? I prefer the term 'surprise adoption''

Battery percentage?- 92%, I'm surprised

Eye color?-hazel

Addiction?- reading, Pringles, ice cubes, especially ice cubes

Favorite song?- you don't want to read this list, so I'll say modern classical, pop, some country, dubstep.

Favorite animal?- wolf or bear

Favorite color?- gray, or indigo

Shoe size?- I have big feet, so 8 in men's, and 8-9in women's. It depends on the shoe really.

Sing in the shower?- do I have my phone with me and I'm playing it? Then yes, but not really....

One wish?- unlimited wishes, and then that all diseases and sickness has a cure or that no one would get it. (Cancer, autism, depression, misophonia, old timers, the flu, etc.)

Best time in your life?- when I went hiking at the Grand Canyon

Country you live in?- AMERICA!! *turns on 'the Phoenix by fall out boy and dances horribly*

Pets?- dog, poodle. He is a very manly poodle.

Plan on getting married?- depends, probably not, I doubt it'll happen.

Favorite subject?- science and art

First kiss?- nope

Insecurities?- appearance, voice (hate it), that I look stupid, that I'll die without accomplishing my goals, not sure if that's an insecurity..??

Ever self harmed?- um? What kind of question is this, and no, I don't like pain, thank you.

Who you love?- my husby, and friends

Miss anyone?- do book characters and movie characters count?

Hair color?-brunette

Relationship status?- married, my husby is awesome kjsd562

Last song you heard?- fix you, cold play

Biggest fear?- what's in the dark, although I've kinda gotten over it, cuz whenever that happens I just think 'if there's a mass murdered there ready to kill me, that's fine', also, talking in front if people.

Believe in ghost?- yeah, I'm superstitious, and I think ghost are cool

Something you hate?- all the presidential candidates, yes, even from my own party, and people.

Favorite TV show?- Star Trek; enterprise was the best, voyager coming close second. TRIP! : , (     Also, I love watching the news

Favorite movie?- THE IMITATION GAMES, gods, that movie killed me, I cried, I'm not even going to deny it.

Favorite book?- it would take 20 years to read this if I gave it to you, so I'll do random books and authors: anything Rick riordan, Harry Potter, Kasandra Clare, Mortal instruments/infernal devises, across a star swept sea, ink heart/death/spell, owls of gahool, the giver series, wattpad: altered/hunted/feared (series) SorchaDeBrun we are the 2% ginger life paintedbones, books by WildCatLover157, one of the bullied, no words left- both by unknownfamousauthor , any that I love later on when reading.

Favorite food?- blinz (Russian food, kinda like crapes, but different, and you might think you've had them if u live in a different country, but you've never had it how Ukrainians make it)

Jealous of?- book characters

Star sign?- I'm a horse, and Virgo.

Middle name?- Virginia.

Worst habit?- biting my nails, and over thinking everything. 2 things I can't break.

Number of siblings?- 4, all but one is way older than me though. All sisters, which kinda sucks cuz I've always wanted an older brother.

Name of siblings?- let's call them Nira, May, Nastasisa (Russian version of her name) and Saphire
Those are not there real names BTW

Sports you play?- artistic roller skating, horse back riding, I like to run, and enjoy soccer but rarely play.

Talents?- drawing, science, math, reading, um? I'm trying to think of things and failing.

Embarrassing moment?- anytime I talk to someone I don't know. I can't talk, I swear it.

Future career choice?- I want to be a biologist, micro biologist, or biochemist, practically, I want to find treatments for illnesses and diseases, and one of my ultimate goals is to kick cancers butt right out of existence : )

If your reading this, consider yourself tagged!
Also, any of the people I actually tagged on here, please check out there books, I really like them, and you might too! Thanks, and have a great day!

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