best or worst birthday

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Alex POV

"Hunny time to wake up!"is all I hear before I'm dragged out of my bed

"Uh.. mom stop it's only 5 am I wake up at 6:30 why did you wake me so early?"

"It's your birthday you can find your mate to day! I hope she's nice and good enough for my baby boy!"

"Ok ok stop yelling woman."

"Oh im sorry dear but you better get ready for school and look good for you new mate!"

"Uh why do I?"

"Because I said so and if I remember your father was looking mighty fine that day and all I wanted to do was eat him up and ki-"

"Mom stop please stop."


"Two things. 1. ew that's nasty 2. Ew.

"Ok dear just get ready ok?"

"Yeah mom"

I hopped in the shower did my stuff got out got on some boxers and tryed to figure out what to wear.

"Hmmmmmm Hmmm no no no yes no no maybe no oh I like that no no yes"

So I chose out a dark blue button up, black jeans and some white converses. I know I look good.

"Damn it's already 7:30" I race down the stairs kiss my mom on the check and said by stopped at McDonalds and got 3 egg Mc muffins.

And here I am at school.

Uh... im not ready to meet my mate yet. I thought."Oh shut up, you will want her and so will i when we see her beautiful face, and she will be ours and only ours" Dion growled.

I pull up to school to see dozens of girls surround my car,"Happy birthday to me"I mutter.

I get out look around, l dont see her. I sniff the air, yep shes not out here. Good these are the sluts anyway. Wow these sluts really want to be the Alpha son's mate, well to bad bitches.l smirk, dion's laughing

I walk in to school and my locker is surrounded by girls. I look in the group of girls, nope cant see her let me see if I can smell her. I sniff the air , oh God who is that?

Skip my locker i got to find that delicious smell, "mate MATE maaaate"dion howls. I run past all the girls while sniffing the air."Our mate, my mate your mate will be ours"dion sings

I round a corner and crash in to jasper,"Oh,sorry dude."

"uh,it's all good"jasper said.

I reach out and offer my hand to help him up, he grabs i and i feel the most wonderful tingles runing up my arm."MATE mate we found her hold up thats a he not a she,what the fu-,fuck it,my mate yahoo mate him make him ours.NOW!" dion howls

I pull my hand away but he doesn't let go and, comes flying in my arms. he kisses me at first and im stunnded but, then I start to kiss back then I lick his bottom lip. he lets my tongue have entrance and we fight for domance but of course I win, his mouth taste delicious. I wonder how his d-,wait what the fuck. i pull away and say,"this cant be happening you can't be my mate" I look at Jasper he has a hurt look on his face,"I'm sorry but i'm not gay."then I run away from him . I hear him whisper"Please dont go."

As i was leaving the school i felt a kinda hurting feeling in my temple were it slowed me down a lot then it just stopped. huh? I wonder what that was.

Jasper's pov

As he was running from me i just felt a emptiness and then i felt lots of pain on my temple.

And everything is black...

Zack's pov(oh shit)

Sooooo i just abducted jasper i mean i knocked him out and I'm taking jasper back to him. Isn't it crazy how i don't even know the name of my own boss. Its a shame really.

Anyways about this beauty next to me handcuffed in the passenger seat. He's really hot. I get why my boss want him.

OK so I'm pulling up to the mansion its like on the edge on town its really nice.

So i pull in to the drive way and run over to jaspers side and pick him up bridal style. I really knocked him out good.

I go down to the chambers as i was told the last night and sat him in like the interrogating chair.

Soon he'll wake and then it will be a new beginning.

He's my what!?! Mates thats funny. (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now