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I held the small neko to my chest, his muffled giggle making me smile as he blushed. Those raven colored ears twitched as he yelped again, giggling harshly as my fingers danced across his stomach and side, tickling him until his face was pink.

"Give up!" I snarled playfully, Kellin giggling while shaking his head and trying to catch his breath. "Ne-ver," Kellin pants, cheeks flushed and face a little sweaty, his hands gripping the fabric of my t-shirt as he tried to catch his breath.

Kellin looked up at me with innocent eyes, opening his mouth to say something before he gasped and his knees buckled underneath him, his body falling limp beneath mine. My eyes widen at the sudden movement, my brows knitting in worry when I hear a small whimper come from the back of his throat- did I hurt him?

His eyes change, the pupil changing into a cat's eye as his tail hangs limp behind him. "Kells?," I ask, placing my hand on his hip when he suddenly began to writhe around, clawing at his clothes and mewling in pain and distress. "Hot, too hot," Kellin whimpered, still trying to escape his clothes, whining in distress when he realizes that he can't get it off, his tail flicking weakly in anger.

It doesn't click in my head what's going on until the thick scent of arousal hits me and a growl escapes my lips, my eyes darkening until they almost look black. Kellin whimpers submissively at the growl, his blue-green eyes filled with want and need, his small body trembling, small mewls of pain leaving his pink lips. My poor baby was so needy right now, in pain and aching for my cock inside of him.

I growl again, grabbing him bridal style and practically sprinted towards my bedroom. Throwing my whimpering mate onto the bed, I watched as he writhed around, this time getting his clothes off successfully and mewing in temporary relief when his body was exposed to the cool air of the bedroom.

My eyes take in his body hungrily, his creamy pale thighs shining with slick, face flushed as he rutted his leaking hole against the covers, whining when he couldn't feel anything entering him. His lacy red panties soaked with his liquids, the fabric clinging to his small girlish hips deliciously, his body was just calling me- to destroy it and wreck the little neko.

"Need you, need you, need you, need you," Kellin whimpers, panting softly when I run my hand along his small legs, gripping his thigh possessively. Kellin whined again, a noise coming from high in his throat, calling for me, his Alpha to mate him, to fill him up and knot his little body.

I nearly jump his bones when Kellin rolls onto his hands and knees, spreading his legs and lowering himself to his elbows- Kellin was presenting himself to his Alpha. He pulls down his panties, the scent of his arousal stronger than ever and this time I couldn't hold myself back anymore, the sight of his pale bum so wet for me threw me over the edge.

Growling once more, I stalk my way over to my horny little mate, smacking one of his pale cheeks before looking at his fluttering pink hole, the muscle clenching- wanting to clamp down onto a knot and be filled. "Please, Alpha, please. Please fill me, please please please," Kellin whined, arching his back and presenting himself to me further. A deeper growl escapes my lips before I finally give into the lust.


My body was filled with a burning heat, my mind fuzzy but only focused on Vic, my mate, my Alpha. I needed him badly and it was getting painful, whimpers and whines leaving my lips as I waited for him to do something as his hands rested on my hips, massaging them a little.

I gasp when I feel him start to lap at my hole, sucking on the rim and sticking his tongue slightly into me before shoving it in fully, my mouth falling open as a loud moan escapes my lips.

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