The smut chapter ;)

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 "Oh, Shion...I had almost lost all hope that I'd ever see you again, when I saw the facility explode I thought" Karan, Shion's mother, began but ceased when an intruding lump invaded her throat. She began tearing up, and Shion knew it was time to play the role of a comfort figure at that moment.

Shion gazed at her sympathetically and placed his frail, pale hand on her tear stained cheeks.

"You don't have to say anything, mom" Shion gently reassured her, stroking her withered cheek.
"I'm home" He cooed. 

Shion's mother glowed at the sound of those simple, yet incredibly relieving two words.

"You are never to leave this house ever again, do you hear me young man?" Karan playfully teased, slightly nudging Shion's delicate shoulder. 

"Not if I can help it" A familiar voice abruptly declared, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Before Shion could express any sort of emotion, the familiar man clasped his hand upon Shion's surprise struck-en mouth and forcefully grabbed his frail legs,  rapidly throwing his light body over his shoulders.

Shion could not find the words to speak, and even if he could, he couldn't speak or even breathe due to the smothering firm hand amongst Shion's now-dry mouth.

He frantically looked at his mom, but she appeared to be coyly chuckling and motherly shaking her head at the sight.

In a blur, Shion couldn't see his mother anymore, in fact, he couldn't even see period. Was he going blind? Was this some sort of twisted joke?

Shion moaned in confusion, and found the strength to kick his legs and twisted his arms, but it was no use, the familiar man had such a firm grip on Shion's weak body, it was clear after awhile of jerking around that Shion was no match for the man holding him, and Shion subconsciously already knew that. Who was this guy?

A blinding light violated Shion's eyes, and Shion felt himself being lowered onto a...bed? As his eyes adjusted to the peculiar setting that he had been deliberately dragged to, he was at a loss of words, or even the comprehensive skills to figure out where he was. 

He was on an unfamiliar lavender, plump bed, in the shape of a circle, which was in the center of a small, crowded room. Shion desperately tried to find the stairwell he entered from, the stairwell to his house, nonetheless; He didn't feel the man take him outside?

The last thing Shion remembered was heading up the stairs of his mom's cluttered apartment and suddenly blacking out, and now...

Before Shion could finish his train of thought, his finger ran along a silk, black cloth, that appeared to be a blindfold. Shion questionably gazed at it, and then it struck him.

Shion hurled the cloth across the room, bewildered at the thought of him being blind folded and not even being aware of it.

"Hey, we need that" The man sneered, again, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. The low, sultry voice suddenly infiltrated Shion's unsuspecting ear. Shion came to full realization of exactly who this man was.

Shion jolted his head up, looking the alluring man straight in the eyes. "You," Shion choked, completely exasperated at his unwelcoming greeting. "I thought you-" Shion started, but before he could finish, the man placed a finger to his lips, emitting all sound that tried to escape Shion's full, pink lips.

"We'll catch up later, but for now..." The man grinned, and tightly gripped onto Shion's shoulders, strenuously shoving him on the bed. Shion whimpered, allowing the man to take control of his slim body, in total defeat. The man aggressively ripped off Shions blue jeans and began sliding off his own pants, the tension greatly hung in the room.

"Do you want me" The man grunted, pushing his muscular body against Shion's toned back.

"Yeeeeessss" Shion groaned, gripping the thin sheets of the bed. 

"I said, do you want me?!" The man aggressively demanded, thrusting even harder up against Shion's bare ass, but not far enough for complete penetration. 

"I want you...Nezumi!" Shion screamed, thrusting his ass onto Nezumi's stiff, massive dick.

"Shion...Shion?" Karan gracefully waved her hand in front of Shion's face as he snapped back to reality, bewildered at what he just daydreamed.

"I'll stay put," Shion retorted, referring back to what his mom said god knows how many minutes ago. Karan gleefully smiled so bright that she appeared to lose a few stress lines.

Shion was dazzled by his sexy fantasy he had just had, but also crushed knowing that Nezumi would never return, and Shion would never be in Nezumi's loving arms again, and lastly, Shion dreaded the fact that they would never have legitimate intercourse and that their "sex life" only existed in Shion's daydreams and will continue to remain that way. 

Karan gazed into Shion's glossy red eyes and patted him on the back. "You've had a long couple of months...why don't you go get some rest?" She sweetly suggested.

"Sorry mom, you're right. I'm glad to be back." Shion forced a smile and stood up, pulling his shirt down to hide his boner, and pathetically trenched up the stairs to his bedroom.

The same stairs he imagined Nezumi carrying him up.

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