Only in dreams

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As soon as Shion made his way to his too familiar room, he scurried up his dusty stairs and plopped on his wrinkled bed, praying for his day dream to reoccur.

He buried his bashful face into his pillow, ashamed that it had been not even a day after Nezumi had left yet was already imagining his touch. He had been through a heartbreaking event less than 24 hours ago and rather than collecting himself, he was picturing his beloved Nezumi...naked.

Shion waved away the guilt that stirred in his stomach and resisted fighting off the daydreams that made Shion feel whole again. He shut his eyes, attempting to relive his daydream but only recalled bits and pieces of Nezumi's seductive eyebrow raises and head tilts.

Reluctantly giving up on remembering his wet dream, Shion sat up, patting his cool bed, reminiscing the first night that he had met Nezumi.

Shion blushed, remembering how nervous he was to find Nezumi in his room, wet and wounded but still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Ugh!" Shion groaned, slapping his entire body straight back on his bed where Nezumi and him had sat, ate and talked. Shion giggled. If talking meant Nezumi relentlessly teasing Shion for being so clueless about the world.

Shion wasn't clueless anymore though. Even though Nezumi fought to protect Shion from the horrors of the world, it was inevitable living in the West District, and even more inevitable when discovering the horrid truth about No. 6.

Shion shuddered. His mind may have been corrupted within the last several months, but one delicately innocent and pure part of him remained, and would stay for as long as he lived: his love for Nezumi.

Though not completely "innocent", Shion thought as he pictured Nezumi's lean yet built figure towering over him.

Shion traced his hand down to his crotch and began to stroke it to the thought of his love. He pictured Nezumi's dark, sultry eyes and crooked smile but was rudely inturrupted when a tiny, dreaded voice in the back of his mind reminded him of his personal horror story.

Shion would never see Nezumi again.

Shion froze mid erection and curled into a tight ball, fighting the urge to fall apart.

Safu was enough to crush him, leaving him on the hinges, hanging onto a thread, but Nezumi was the hinges. Nezumi was the thread keeping Shion sane. Without his last support, Shion would....

Shion finished his thought by letting out a painful cry, gripping at his knees and shaking through the jolts of pain in his chest and in his stomach.

Shion could be comforted by his daydreams of Nezumi but the daydreams weren't enough to prevent reality from creeping up on him. The reality was that Shion would never see Nezumi again.

Shion shook his bed through his sobs, and grew uncomfortable when he felt a small, pointy object poking his side.

Shion felt around his bed until his hand grasped upon material that felt like cardstock. He lifted it to his worn face to find it was a note.

Immensely intrigued and overwhelmed by hope Shion bolted out of his bed and tripped over his belongings making his way to his light switch.

The light illuminated the room and more importantly the note and Shion' s eager eyes searched through its contents to find a recognizable handwriting that listed "The balcony, Shion,"

Shion seethed down his stairs, throwing himself at his glass balcony door and yanking it open.

Shion frantically looked for a pointed, gorgeous face cascaded by layered raven hair.


Shion clutched his stomach to prevent himself from vomiting. The rapid change from supreme exhilaration to utmost dismay was too heavy for him to physically bear. Shion let out a shaky breath and continued to search his empty balcony for some sort of correlation to the precious note left for him.

Shion admitted defeat when his balcony appeared to be desolate even after several minutes and he weakly turned his heels toward the entrance of his room. As he began to step in, a tugging at his pant cuff shot adrenaline through his body.

Shion whipped around to find a smug rat propped up on his shoe, twitching every other second.

"Nezumi," Shion cried

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