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Sometimes we think all we need is love. We think it is more than enough to bring us through all our difficulties, our insecurities, our ignorance.

And it is, but sometimes it isn't.

Why do we have relationships? Why is it that we keep searching for that one person who we believe is our perfect other half? Why? Is it the biological need of it? Sure some part of it is, but otherwise why do we do it? And what happens to all the other imperfect ones that were rejected by us?

Like the girl who was dumped because she looked ugly, or the guy that wasn't treated right because he had a lot of emotional issues to deal with. Or that girl who was cheated on by her boyfriend because she wasn't "good enough" . Where do all these people go? How do they feel? Do they pretend to be strong and cry themselves to every night? Do they find each other and are happy with each other's imperfection? All these fiery personalities who are all made to shun because of the word "perfect", hidden under the rock because society is threatened by them. Threatened by what they might be able to achieve without their help. And when they do achieve that's where the love come in. The love to forgive those people who thought that you wouldn't succeed, the love to forget what happened to them during the struggle. The love which they find, when they meet who accepts all their flaws for the very reason they are; themselves. These souls look at themselves each day in the mirror, to admire, respect and most importantly to love themselves.

At the end of the day, we have to learn to love ourselves, no matter what. The fight is very tiring, so tiring that sometimes you tend to not appreciate the people who are in it with you, it's okay. Loving yourself makes it alright.

By now you must have realized that love is a very selfish feeling. Very, very selfish. Each and every one of us want love for the sake of ourselves. So that atleast once, we get warmth to the cold hearts that we are developing.

Our generation, I feel, is completely going in the opposite direction. We want to love ourselves sure, but we want it because we feel that we need it not because we deserve it. We want to love our bodies, our shapes, our sizes , our hair colour and so much more but we feel we don't deserve it. Unless, it said by someone else. Someone who doesn't know us like the way we ourselves do, someone who knows nothing about us, someone who feels the happiness for seeing you.

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