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When I first saw him

He was just another college guy,

But the way he looked at me like that I knew that

 When we’ll walk down this corridors and

Someday we’ll be lovers

You see my friend

“I love you” when said in any language,

Ranging from French, Spanish to Gujrati

It always has a squishy effect on your stomach

Twisted and knotted, you feel as though someone is rinsing a cloth inside your body.

The funny thing about love is,

It has no bar for age and caste,

It defies all religion and most importantly society

It always seems to last.

The world is always a big villian

Judgemental and Nasty

But when you are in love it doesn’t seem to matter

For you are ready to fight against anything and everything

And want to have a happy ending.

Though it may sound cliché

But the above lines were, how I fell in love

So to all the single girls out there who think there’s no one for them,

Trust me when I say there will be somebody who’ll say “I love you too”

Pearls of a teenager's lifeWhere stories live. Discover now