This moment....

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Its like he knows everything

But he doesnt really know anything

what is in his brains is only bookish knowledge

he doesnt have any emotion or psychological sense

Keeps flirting with that slut I tell you

As if I am going to get jealous by that

Later comes and tells me that I was checking him out

I'm like right, it is better to gnaw my eyeballs out !!!!!!

My friends tell me, that he stares at me all the time

I roll my eyes at that statement

He has better things to look after, you know

Then to look at a freak show

Its 14th of feb so fast

And I'm reading my Nicholas Sparks all alone 

Suddenly he goes down on his knees with a rose and tells 'I love you'

And I'm like have you lost the one thing you had too?

He stand and sits next to me 

With the audacity to take away my book

Tells me on my face upfront

Things I dont want to hear

"I have never flirted with you,because I love you

Always looked at you, because you are perfect,

Even if you slap me now, the things I did to you I won't regret

And now that I have proposed you in front of the entire cateen gate

This moment I shall never forget!!

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