Sanity #7

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"In a mad world, only the mad are sane."

It's probably 4 am and I am awake, need to look after Sasuke, to prevent any further problems he might cause. To sum up, I decided to sacrifice my slumber over him. Currently I am starting at the forest, in his room and it is raining still. I actually love the rain. Rain gives life to the flowers, animals overall the nature. It makes me peaceful, makes me aware of myself and my sanity. Actually if you really think about it, it's just a small thing to talk about. But thanks to small things like rain, i am not as lost as the patients over here, i am different than others and Sasuke. Of course, Sasuke is not a bad guy if we mention about him. He is just lost, effected by his past. His cure is actually far from the medicines that I gave him, or the drug that Sai used on. He has to find his own happiness and with the happiness he finds, his sanity will come.
As I am thinking about that I hear grunt. I turn towards to Sasuke, to see him sitting on the bed and his hands covering his face.
"What are you doing over there?"He asks looking at me, with his deep voice.
"Don't worry, just making sure you are Ok"I simply say and he nods. When he brings his hands down, I see his sweaty face.
"Did you have a nightmare again,Sasuke? You have sweat stains on your face." I ask and he just mutters that he doesn't want to talk about it.
"Well, we all have nightmares Sasuke. It's not like everybody is so damn happy with their lifes. We just learn how to deal with them. For instance, I speak with Sai, the 'that guy'. You can do the same way Sasuke. I know we know each other for a short period of time but when you decide to share your thoughts with me, just know that I am always here." Again, after my speech the silence has taken over us. And again, Sasuke suddenly speaks up.
"Why are you helping me?" He simply asks.
"Because I know how you are feeling. And I believe that you can regain your sanity back like I did." I simply walk over him and sit on his bed.

A/N: Next chapter will be published ASAP.

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