Chapter 1: "My Fifteenth Birthday"

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{Adriatic's POV}

I startled awake when my alarm clock went off. Today was Saturday and I am suppose to be meeting up with Simon at the beach. I threw back the covers and crawled out of bed. I took a quick shower before throwing on my swim trunks and a t-shirt, grabbing my beach bag I headed downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. My mom was on a stool at the island counter wearing her business suit and doing something on her computer, her coffee cup next to her. My dad was over at the stove wearing an apron over his pajamas, making breakfast and whistling his favorite tune. My sister was sitting diagonally across from my mom, holding her favorite stuffed animal which is a pink bunny rabbit, and wearing a pink dress, pink barrettes in her blonde hair, and white shoes. She looked over at me and smiled.

“Happy Birthday, Adri!” this caused my parents to look over at me and say the same thing.

“Happy Birthday, Sweetie.”

“Happy Birthday, Son.”

“Thanks.” I walked over and sat down across from my mom.

“So, I assume your heading to the beach?”

“Yeah, with Simon.”

“Alright, just make sure your back before dinner….and make sure you have lunch.”

“I know, I know…….and Simon is bringing it today.”

“K, sweet heart, just making sure.” My dad set a plate of bacon and eggs down in front of me along with a glass of orange juice. When I finished eating I put my dishes into the dishwasher and then went over to the door where my flip flops were. My dad walked over to me just when I was grabbing my surf board from the closet.

“So, you two going to go pick up some....err....dudes?”

“No, dad…..where going surfing and tide pool looking.”

“Ahh, tide pools.....well have fun.”

“Thanks, I‘m sure we will.” he gave me a hug before he let me leave. Yep, I’m gay……and my parents know. They’re ok with it too since my dad has a brother whose gay. Considering the fact that my hair is naturally white, being gay isn’t really a big thing for me. The Doctor said that my hair color is probably a genetic mutation thing but since I was adopted, they’re not really sure. My parents are still my parents though, and my sister is still my sister despite not being blood related. My mom couldn’t have children due to an accident she was in when she was seventeen, so she and dad adopted me when they were ready for a child, my mom was always into strange things so I guess that’s why she chose the two year old with white hair. When I was five they adopted another child which was my sister, Anna.....whom was only five months old at the time making us about five years apart.

It took me about ten minutes to get to the beach. I spotted Simon sitting on a beach towel under a beach umbrella while writing on a clipboard, surrounded by his surfboard, a picnic basket, goggles, his snorkel, beach bag, two buckets and two shovels, and even flippers.

“Hey!” When a pair of dark blue eyes met mine I realized that he wasn’t wearing his glasses. he waved me over, so I ran and dropped down onto the beach towel with my surfboard and bag. Simon is gay like me, only his parents don’t know yet. The only ones who do are me and our other friend, Michael who is bisexual and a total player who has gone out with tons of girls and boys, I think his parents do know that he's bi, but they aren‘t around very much and even when they are, they don‘t really give a damn about what he does. Secretly, even though he’s been with several people, Michael really only likes Simon….. You can tell by the way he looks at him that he has a major crush on him and has had it for awhile….. I don’t know for sure but I think Simon might like him too. They’re complete opposites when it comes to personalities, Simon is serious, considerate, and quiet…..where as Michael is carefree, sometimes inconsiderate, and loud…..Michael likes to party and Simon likes to study….but Michael does ask Simon for help with studying, and Simon always agrees, which if it wasn’t for Simon…..Michael would probably still be in fourth grade…..that’s how our friendship with him started……Mine and Simon’s parents’ are friends so we grew up together, Michael needed help with school work so he asked Simon… those two became friends making it so eventually me and Michael became friends…..for Simon and me its just the three of us but Michael is popular so he has a lot of other friends besides us…..which is why he isn’t here today, because he was hanging out with his other ‘popular’ friends…..which me and Simon aren’t…..

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