The Dream...And A Day At School.

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~Emma's P.O.V~


"Uggghhhhhh" I hate my alarm clock 'cause it means I have to wake up from my beauty sleep...

But I'm glad I got up I hated that dream it was scary.....

~To Emma's Dream~

Emma was pushed against the school hallway wall by her best guy friend 'brospeh'. They got into a hug fight that day, he was trying to make some sense for Emma but she wasn't listening to Broseph even though he was right Emma still thought he was in the wrong as usual.

Their shouting and screaming came to a hult when Broseph smashed his hand into the wall, Emma shock with fright for she had never seen him this angry before, a lot was going through her mind at that moment but all of that changed when their eyes met.

His deep blue ocean eyes sparkled as he looked at Emma's dark brown eyes they were inches and inches away from each other's faces then...........

~Back To Real Life In Emma's Room~

Oh my god, that dream was scary how could I even think of that betray the one guy who loves me the most I'm a horrible girlfriend. Worst of all I used to love Brospeh before I met Adam (Emma's Boyfriend now). I suppose Brospeh was always there for me and always had my back when I was in trouble, maybe that's why I fell in love with him ? I could never ever ever ever kiss my best friend no way even if he didn't have a girlfriend (Brospeh's girlfriend Fin).

"Ughhhhhhh I don't know what to wear today, I wanna go back to bed" ohhhh I know I'll ask Charlotte !

~About Charlotte~

Charlotte Chase is my girl best friend she's awesome, she's 17 like me. She's a little shy but once you get to know her she's soooooooo much fun, she loves rock like me, she listens to MCR and FOB and TØP. She also watches Sherlock we do marathons of it all the time round mine. She's got great taste in clothes I always ask her what I should wear, she's amazing I don't know what I would do with out her.

~Back To Emma~

"CHARLOTTE !!! I need your help" I'm on FaceTime with her, I always am.

"EMMA !!! Yes course what do you need ?" Charlottle always says yes haha.

"I don't know what to wear to school" I look at her with really sad puppy dog eyes.

Charlotte helps me and i put on a smooth leather jacket with AC/DC and Led Zeppelin logos on the back on each shoulder and a plain white T-shirt with black skinny jeans and black combat boots. I looked really grundgy.

~Time Skip 10 Minutes~

"Morning mum" I say to my mum who was sleeping so, she naturally jumps, she was laying on the sofa as usual. I come down stairs to the kitchen to get some food "MUM !! I WILL JUST EAT AN APPLE YOU DONT HAVE TO MAKE BREAKFAST !" I shout at her from the kitchen 'cause she is probably still sleepy.

"Okay, don't be late like last time idiot" she says really quietly.

~Time Skip 40 Minutes At School~

"DON'T THROW STUFF!!! ARSEHOLES" I shout at some other students in the hallway. I was already with Charlotte and I could hear her giggling beside me at my comment.

"Oh god English with Mrs. Guy next YAY !!!" I said with a glare in my eye

"I see a hint of sarcasm in there" Charlotte said laughing as we walked through the hallway to English

"No sh*t" I said very seriously but then we just burst out laughing, so people looked at us in the hallway hahaha.

~At Break Time~

I haven't seen Broseph or Adam all day, which was a good thing I know it was just a dream but I can't face either of them at the moment I would just have to run away 'cause id be blushing to fu*cking hard.

CRASH! "Owch watch it pri......ohhhhhhhh Broseph....Hi" OMG what do I do I'm so screwed I'm freaking out someone help me.


Sorry for the people who actually read this this is my first time writing I've NEVER written before.....please feel free to comment.

I've dedicated this chapter to my best friend (I love you Cookie)

Thanks for reading it if you do ❤️❤️❤️🍪🍪🍪🍪✌️✌️👊👊

Cheating On My Boyfriend With The Man I Loved....Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant