Science Project

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Emma's POV

When I crashed into Broseph in the corridor I belted out of there, I heard him call for me but I just ignored him.

This brings me to a lovely class called SCIENCE

'Where did you go earlier? I saw you running down the hallway. Did something happen?' Charlotte asked quietly in class whilst drawing in her book. 'Umm yeah I forgot something in form in the morning and needed to get it before class nothing more...' I told her but I'm pretty sure she didnt believe me she had this sceptical look on her face and her words proved me right. 'Yeah yeah sure whatever, dont think I didnt see your weird ass reaction in the hallway earlier with Brospeh', I swear my mouth must of dropped right now I tried my best to muster the shock on my face and look normal but I tried denying it from her but that didn't work at all! I knew Brospeh was somewhere in class behind me so I tried to be as quiet as I could 'what do you mean Charlotte I-I didnt act any different than I always do andyoucantarguewithmesoshutupanddoyourwork'.

About half an hour into Science my teacher makes an announcement 'I have a class project to give out today!' As soon as he said this all the students started moaning out loud 'Alright, alright settle down now, I will be putting you in pairs of two to do this project and I expect it to be in, in two weeks time, collaborate and talk to each other, that's all', my heart started beating super fast.

What if  he puts me with brospeh oh God no! What am I supposed to do? Why? Why meeeee? No dont think about it! He will probably put you with Charlotte! Yeah!

'Right pairs will be: Adian and Amy, Chloe and Charlotte, Dylan and Rob, Emma and Brospeh......' Oh God oh God damn it my luck fück. I tried not to but I spared him a glance and he was sat there smiling at me. I could just keep thinking of those deep blue eyes from my dream and those lips so!

In the midst of my panicking I didnt hear the teacher fishing the calling of the names for the project and I certainly didnt see the tall looming shadow above me, I looked up and in was met with the face of my dream. 'So Emma we are partners? Nice, your bed or mine later?' I choked on my own spit. 'Wh-what did you say?' I asked trying to catch my breath, 'I said your house or mine later? You know for the project?' Brospeh said to me looking with confusion written on his face at my sudden outcry earlier. 'O-oh right yeah ummm about mine since my mum is at work all night we have the house to ourselves.' Wait that sounded weird no? Before I could retract what I said Brospeh cut me off 'Nice then, you me at your house! I'll meet you in the parking lot later.' With that he retreated back to his seat and I stayed trying to think why I suggested my house later. Lord Emma.

It was lunch now and the canteen was packed today for some reason, I was in the food queue with Charlotte as I managed to catch up with her before our third period so I forced her to come have lunch with me so I didnt have to eat alone.

As we were walking back to our seats in the canteen I heard someone call my name and then an arm fling over my shoulder. 'Hey dudes what's up?' Brospeh so lovely piped into the conversation me and Charlotte were having. 'Hey Brospeh, you alright I didnt see you in first period earlier where did you go?' Charlotte asked casually with no care in her voice. 'Ah I skipped went and chilled in the library instead I dont like English it's a drag!' All of a sudden I heard another voice interrupt us 'Hey Brospeh, you after my girl bro?'

It was only then I registered the owner of that voice and it was Adam and that Brospeh still had his arm flung over my shoulder. 'Nah dude, if I was gonna do that I'd try harder' Brospeh said almost at a whisper but I caught it 'W-hat?' I asked looking at Brospeh not even acknowledging my boyfriend standing there, 'ahh nothing dont worry' before I could protest Adam came over to us and crashed me into a hug and whispered in my ear lips brushing past 'Didn't catch you this morning babe where did you go? Running away from yours truly are we?' Adam said with a suave voice. 'Ahhh I-I had something to do earlier and forgot something in form that I had to get real quick' I tried to stutter out the same excuse I used for Charlotte but it still didnt sound believable but thankfully Adam didnt catch on. We all sat together for lunch and as lunch came to an end Broseph took me to the side 'Hey so I'll see you after school do you mind waiting I have football practice later can you wait? we can go in my car' I responded quickly 'yeah yeah sure um I'll wait for you umm I'll meet you outside the locker room' and with that he left and I went to go to my next classes.

Oh God.. am I even going to be able to concentrate later! And I lied to Adam earlier omg what am I doing? Jesus Emma get a grip of yourself.

Adam interrupted my thoughts 'Hey you coming cupcake?' He had a hand extended out for me to grab 'Y-yeah I'm coming'.

Ahh help me....

Hey guys I'm surprised with the amount of reads that first crappy chapter got from this that I wrote when I was like 15! Umm I kept seeing this in on my page for a while and figured fück it I'll add another chapter and see the reactions from the readers (if I get any lol XD) 

Expose me if I've written anything wrong XD

Show me love people thanks!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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