chapter 3

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It's been a week since I talked to Rielly. Than I remembered she gave me her number! So I decided to text her.
To: Rie💙
hey, its jc🙂 wanna hang out or something?
From: Rie💙
i would but im sick😫 ive been puking all day😒🔫
To: Rie💙
oh no! thats awful! im coming over. what's address?
From: Rie💙
justin caylen! no you are not ill get you sick!
To: Rie💙
oh well. you need someone to take care of you, plus its worth it if i get to see you.💞
From: Rie💙
awh jc☺️💕 my address is...
To: Rie💙
okay ill be over in 10.😊❤️ And on that note I clicked my phone off & grabbed my car keys & some money, I hopped into my car & drove to the nearest store & got her some soup, pizza, candy, & sprite. I paid for all the stuff & drove to her house ringing the doorbell when I got to it. I came to see a messy bun, smeared makeup, weary eyes Rielly. Damn I thought, she still looks good even when she's sick. "Hey Jc." she said & smiled, "come in." she moved out of the way. I walked in & she shut the door behind me. "I got you some food. Thought that maybe that would cheer you up."
"Jc! How much do I owe you?"
"Nothing. My treat."
"Are you sure?"
"100% positive." I say & smile.
"Alright well thank you." she said & hugs me.  She walked upstairs & I followed her into her bedroom. It was themed pink & black & she had band posters plastering her walls. "I like your room."
"Thanks." she says while plopping into her bed. I smiled & crawled in next to her. We spent the day watching movies, cuddling & talking. It was perfect. She was... perfect.

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