chapter 4

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I was at the mall trying to find a new swim suit for this party Rielly & I are going to tomorrow. Well if she feels better. She's sick right now so I'm shopping alone.  I texted her a couple pictures of suits & when I finally decided on one, I paid for it & went to Starbucks. I got a grandé cinnamon roll frappé & sat down at a table checking my snapchat stories. I seen Jc was with Rielly & I snapped her saying "get itttt😏😂" I looked up from my phone to see Cameron Dallas smiling at me. "Hey aren't you Rielly's friend?"
"Yeah, I am." he sat down & shook my hand.
"Cameron Dallas."
"I know, I mean.. well how wouldn't I know.. you're famous. But I'm Emma." I said laughing.
"Hi Emma. Would you like to help me shop for something?"
"Sure! Like what?"
"I need to get my mom something for her birthday & I'm bad with stuff like that."
"Alright." I said & we walked out of Starbucks together. We headed into a couple of stores & ended up getting his mom a rose gold watch & new perfume. We spent the rest of the day driving around & talking. I can't believe Cameron Dallas & I are friends. My dream has come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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