- Connect the Dots -

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I've had beautiful mountain ranges on my face since about 5th grade. I am currently finishing up my senior year of high school, so that is a good 7 years.

LIKE... come on puberty.. are you done yet?! 

Over these wonderful years, I have cried about my acne, laughed at it, yelled, smudged it with chemicals, makeup, food from my kitchen, but it seems to just want to hang on for the ride. I've spent many hours gawking over all the wonderful people blessed with beautiful skin. The way it's smooth from cheek to cheek with beautiful healthiness. I just longed for the day that that would be me. But I got to thinking... would that be me? I've lived about half my life so far with these lovely pimples that it has caused me to gain so much, SO much, knowledge on different ways to take care of your skin, on health and nutrition, on types of skin, causes of acne and other skin conditions, just overall healthy living habits. I've began to build myself through this knowledge that my pimples have guided me to obtain. Build myself, in which I mean to hopefully pursue a future in the fields of holistic dermatology or health and nutrition. You never know, but I just really want to take my own experiences and use them to help others deal with what I have dealt with. 

So for that, I'd like to give a little thanks to my pimples, thanks for sticking with me through my ups and downs, my stressful nights and my "I never want this to end" nights. Thanks for watching the entire Star Wars saga with me and getting excited the days you can grow more pimple friends when I binge on chocolate.

Guys, most of us at some point, struggle with acne. It is just another door in life that the wind opens and we fight to close. We just need to stop letting the little boogers take over our lives and instead become closer connected with others because we have it in common. Acne has spent TONS of my money, yes, but i'm not going to lie, I enjoy experimenting with products and homemade concoctions to see what works and what doesn't. I am currently still on my own journey to clearer skin because I guess it's just not time for my pimples and I to break up and part ways. Though, as I gained more knowledge, I definitely, DEFINITELY, upgraded  on the clear skin scale over the years but still have a few lingering around. 

Maybe i'll grow out of it, maybe I won't. Maybe i'll find that miracle product or maybe i'll just wake up with five more pimples. Whatever it may be, I just want to let whoever you are reading my thoughts full of wisdom, that you are not alone (because your pimples are always there with you.. ha-ha I'm totally joking). But seriously, this is something that took me a long time to understand but just... enjoy life, be yourself. Cliche, I know. In my perspective, the key to beauty is as simple as a smile. So just flash that grin from ear to ear, tackle the world and say "Yea, so what you can play connect the dots on my face. So what you can map a constellation..." Pimples, acne, zits, whichever you refer to them as, they're something that makes each of us unique but similar in a way. Continue to live a healthy lifestyle and take care of your skin but don't let it consume your thoughts, just look into that gorgeous mirror reflection and say "I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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