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It had been a week since my running into the turtles. After I found out I could slice the robots like the were paper, I began to leave my cave more often. I couldn't stop thinking about them, the turtles. Why had they bin there the night of my mutation? How did they learn those fighting moves? Was mine the only life Filch had ruined? All I knew for sure, was that they had answers, answers I desperately needed.

As I was sitting on top of a billboard, I heard trash cans smash below me. Fear ran down my spine. I peaked over the side of the building to see Fong, one of the Purple Dragon gang members, lying there unconscious. It was them!  I quickly scrambled down the fire escape. Wen I got to the bottom, the only one that was their was the red one, Raphael, I think his name was.                                                 

"Yo! Raph!" a voice called, and Raph turned to face him  "That was so wicked! We showed them! Know one messes with Casey Jones!"

My eyes widened, No! Not him! Casey was the last person I needed to know about my mutation. I was about to go back up the fire escape, when I accidentally knocked over an empty bottle with my tail. Idiot.  "Whoa! Who's there?" Raph called pulling out his strange weapons. "Hey! up there!" Casey called but I was all ready climbing as fast as I could. When I got to the top Raph was already there. "Well hello there. So, what bring you to the exact robbery I'm at?"he asked with arms folded, and the hint of a smirk on his face. "I was hoping we could talk, but you seemed a little busy." I snapped back.

Suddenly, there was panting behind me. "Dude! What gives?" Casey had finally made it up the stairs. "Oh, sorry Jones, I forgot that you move like a snail" Raph teased him. "Hey, who's this?"Casey asked finally noticing me. "Oh! Sorry Jones! You probably don't recognize me with my new tail!" I sassed at him. "Wait, Lisa? Is that really you? What happened?"he asked with a dropped jaw. " You two know each other?" Raph asked pointing at us. " Yes, sadly." I scowled. Why, of all times, did Casey Jones have to show up now?! The jerk, always butting his big noes were it doesn't belong.

"You know, what happened back then wasn't my fault." He said poker faced. "Um, Excuse you, but it was totally and completely YOUR FAULT! HOW COULD IT NOT BE?" I shouted at him. How dare he? "Okay! What in the heck is going on here? What are you talking about?" Raph asked throwing his hands in the air. I gave a look to Casey that said 'don't-you-dare-or-I'll-rip-your-throat-out!' "Maybe later Raph." He answered. Suddenly the air was filled with an odd ringing.

Raph then pulled out... a flashing, shell? "Leo needs us back at the layer. Sorry missy but we'll have to finish our little chat later." he said putting it away. "Not if your hanging around with trash like him." i nodded toward Casey, then left them before they could respond.

When i got back to my cave I was too furious to even stand still, so I walked around the dark cave. How in the world could Raph and Casey even know each other? Why? Why did Casey have to ruin every thing?!


I am so sorry! i wish ii could have gotten this up weeks ago! things have just gotten really crazy. I've bin dealing with a lot of stress in my family, but it ok! I'm back. also if any of you are familiar with my other story I'm trying to get the next chapter up soon, but I'm trying to focus on this one. all soooooooooo........ 143 reads? THIS IS AMAZING!  you have know idea what this means to me! so please, please, please comment! i would love to here from all you. but for now........HALO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raph x Mona LisaWhere stories live. Discover now