chapter 1

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A long time ago in Minecraft land their were war between Minecrafts and hit the target he had an army of iron golems. The minecrafts has useless snowgolems but that night two warriors were killed. Young stampy disappeared and young Eva was taken to an orphanage for long lost Minecraft players. Eva and stampy were best friends. Some years later when Eva was 16 she ran away from the orphanage to survive for her self. soon

she found her self in a forest. She strated mining wood, this was to much for her hands.Eva took a break, she was about to go mine wood again when she saw an iron axe on the floor she went to collect the axe.She collected the axe and started mining wood again. This time the wood was easy to mine she collected alot of wood she could see that she had 4 stacks of wood.she placed the wood in her inventory.It was getting dark now, She was scared so she got some more wood and piled up to the highest tree in the forest, There she had a view. But she was still scared because spiders and creepers are often found in this forest. Eva turned around and saw a bed and an iron sword. This was not normal, She quickly placed down the bed and held her sword tightly. When she woke up she was still in the giant forest. It was morning. She jumped across the trees hoping to find meat. There was no food found just a cow on the tree. she got sword and started hitting the cow sadly.Finally the cow died and dropped raw meat.She did not care about the meat being raw, She just ate hungrily.Eva then jumped off the trees lossing 1 heart. She carried on walking, Then she saw a face, It was a boy with lots of hair, She got her sword out and held it out, Then came out a familiar face, She was surprised, She Saudi stamp is that you, Stampy answerd back and said yes. They both gave eachother a hug. Stampy gave Eva some items, Then they both started building a house. The house was done next morning. It was two stories tall, They were very proud of them self. Stampy then said something to Eva, He said that he was hiding from hit the target. Suddenly a memory of the war when she was younger flashed through her eyes, She took this calmly she said to stampy Luckily we build our escape room.That night They stayed up and played tip in the backyard, they stopped playing when a storm started brewing, They both went inside and had a snack, Then They went to bed. Soon it was morning, Stampy was already up, Eva had just got up now. Stampy had made breakfast, He had made pork and eggs, And the drink was milk, They ate and drank up, Soon they had finished eating, so they decided to take a walk, They were near the a waterfall, Eva then saw a trap door on the floor, She told stampy, They decided to go in, It was a big lava type home, in the chests were stacks of diamonds. They both took 2 stacks each, Then They saw hit the target, Hit the target yelled and said Eva and Stampy, come back here, l shall kill you all. They ran out as fast as they could, Hit the target quickly drooped a book Collected and Eva collected it, Soon they were in there house, Eva was looking at her inventory, She then called Stampy and told him that she had found a book in her inventory, She read it out loud it said, l shall find you and kill you, torchre you till your in pain, from hit the target, the two shivered in fright, Stampy quickly made diamond armor and diamond tools for Eva and himself.

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