Year 5

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This is a time skip to year 5, this is where the real story begins. The 3 chapters about year 1 were meant to introduce Rose.

At the platform

I was waiting at the platform for Pansy, Blaise and Draco. I was about to board the train when I heard a Draco whisper, "hello love", I turned around and hugged him. Draco and I had started dating over the summer, My mother had invited him and his family over for tea. But I wasn't told they were coming over, so I was in my greenhouse when they arrived and covered in dirt. Draco asked my mother were I was and my mom said, "oh she's probably in her garden taking care of her plants". Draco went out to the greenhouse to say hello.


"Rose I need to ask you a question",
"Yes", I replied.
"Rose will you be my girlfriend".
I was shocked, I dropped the trowel I was holding, I sprung up and hugged him. I laughed, he had a confused look and asked, "what's so funny", he asked. "I feel so underdressed for the occasion", I said jokingly. He laughed and smiled, then we walked back to the house. I went through the back entrance because I needed to change my clothes and wash my face, I couldn't meet Draco's parents in overalls and a dirty t shirt.

Once I looked put together I went down stairs, but I was walking to fast and I tripped, luckily Draco caught me before I fell. "Mother, Father, I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Rose Liddel. Draco's parents quickly took a liking to me and before the end of the hour Mrs. Malfoy and I were chatting. "Darling I'm so happy that Draco is dating you and not Mrs. Parkinson".

Back to the future

"Soon after Draco arrived, Pansy and Blaise followed. We all had a mini reunion right there on the platform. After our reunion we boarded the train and got to our usual compartment. "Do you guys want anything off the trolley?", I asked. After ordering 7 galleons, 5 sickles and 2 knuts of sweets we started catching up with each other. "So what did you guys do over the summer", Draco asked. "I visited my cousin in France", Pansy said, "I stayed at home", replied Blaise, "so what did you guys do over the summer". "I asked someone very special to me an important question", Draco said shyly while sneaking a quick glance at me. "So what did you do Rose", Pansy asked curiously. "I got asked an important question by someone very special to me", I replied. I laid my hand down on the seat and Draco put his hand on mine. Pansy looked so angry and Blaise almost choked on his food, "what", Pansy almost screamed. The rest of the train ride was less awkward, once we had caught up it was back to normal.

In the common room

After the feast ended I went back to the common room to sit by the fire and warm up. I heard the common room door open and Draco sat down beside me, "I wrote you a poem", he said.
"Could you read it to me", I asked,
"Of course love", he replied

"The stars can not compare,
To my noble lady fair,
More radiant than the moon,
She sings a sweet toon,
To which I could listen forever"

We kissed, I could feel the warmth of the fire, the sound of footsteps in the corridor, I was aware of everything. I laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead. "I love you", he said, "i love you too", I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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