Chapter 1

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Ruby's P.O.V.

No! Mommy....I'm sorry help me!

I was cleaning my room and forgot to make breakfast for mommy, she got mad and started yelling and hurting me. I was scared so i ran there's this man chasing me and he won't leave! I get up not seeing the creepy man anymore and start to run, but someone starts draging me by my hair and i start to scream and cry.

Reid's P.O.V.

Earlier me and the guys where beating some guys ass for touching one touch's Kenny but me.

We where just talking to some chicks when some guy decided to steal Kenny.....when i noticed he was gone i started looking for him, when i finally found him he was getting raped by some sick was sad...after all 63 years of Kenny's life that was his first time.......Kenny, my stuffed tedy bear has been pasted down for generation's in my family.

My gang is called Kenny, don't ask why it just is. in my gang all of us are family but I'll only metion some of them.

First there's could say he's............................... Inappropriate? I don't even know the right word for him. He likes girls with small breast he doesn't care about how the look or anything as long as they have small breast, some advice....never sleep in a room with with next or next door to him if u want sleep cuz believe me u won't be getting any you'll just be hearing zombie noises every single night.

Then there's Ryan hahaha.......he's a coward with a mean ass looking face. People don't usually fuck with him because he looks scary af and they think he might beat there ass.....but that's not true inside....he's scared as hell when people come up to him about to fight him but they just run off.......he can't fight either......he's toned.....but i don't see how he looks like that and he can't fight, he probably can but just chooses not to, no one can tell if he's scared happy or sad because of his serious expression.

Then there's Max the total opposite of Ryan he will laugh at the most stupidest shit that it's actually funny. He always smiles and i mean always, u can say his smile is like when you wake up in the morning and then sun is to bright it makes u want to go back under the covers. Again total opposite of Ryan......Max can fight he's Even beat up nick once for trying to hit on his mom, Max can seriously beat anyone's ass...not mine of course haha I'm not braging I'm just stating the truth.

Last but not least is my smart ass little brother James. And I'm not being sarcastic he's fucking smart it makes me look stupid as the gangs leader. He's always like "Dont touch that vase it is highly expensive" or "Have u finished your homework? I highly suggest u do it now, because your not looking at mine. Even if u did it anyway u probably won't get a good grade." he was such a cute crybaby when he was young he would get beatin up by bullies then be like "teach me how to fight! Your the best fighter i know!" but now he's all pissy i still love him tho.

And then there's me, Reid the total opposite of James. I couldn't care less about school, i don't waste my breath doing homework and i break shit if i want to.

In my gang there are at least 30 people but it still isn't enough. There's this one gang called BIG TITS u could probably guess what's going on in there gang.......there whole gang has 123 girls with big boobs it doesn't matter if there pretty or ugly thick or skinny they just have to have big boobs.......not Nicks type. And what they wear......mmmhhhmmm. Anyway to me they are our number 1 rivals there big boobs distract my we won't have a chance to beat them, especially with there boob cannon.

I walk around a little bit just lost in my thoughts, untill i hear screaming i keep walking as the sound gets louder eventually i start running, i come to a stop as i stand behind a man pulling a little girls hair.

Ruby's P.O.V.

"Hey......" the guy stops pulling my hair when he sees a guy with black hair and blue eyes like mine....he looks like mommy when she hits me.....she told me she loved me why would she do that........I'm a big girl just like daddy once said.....i try to told the tears back but they just wont stop coming out. "Hahaha sorry my daughter is has been very bad lately......" the mean guy says nervously while scratching his head i keep crying while trying to get away from him "N-No i dont k-" he covers my mouth so i can't speak anymore "sorry she's just a little fussy" the guy with black hair stays still for a while then starts getting closer to us each second "Do you think that i give a fuck if she's your daughter or not, your pulling her hair that's no way to punish a damn kid.

Reid's P.O.V.

The guy starts shaking and the girl starts it my face......i like to think I'm pretty good looking.....oh well.

I grab the girl from the guy who already pissed himself and sit her down on the bench next to me....i grab the guys collar and pull my arm back and ball my fist up, i get ready to punch him when



I let go of the guys collar and look him dead in the eyes "don't you move...." he nods 3 times before i go back to my call.

R (Reid,Max) M

R- Hello, max...really bad timing man.

M- Haha sorry but they guys wanted to call a meeting, and speak about something very important, including me.

R- Can't this wait till tomorrow

M- Sorry no can do man, but please hurry.......nicks already sexually harassing the bar tender.

R- ugh..shit okay I'll be there

M- OK bye b-

R- Hey max

M- Yeah?

R- I'm bringing someone

M- What!? Inside the hide out!?

R- Yeah...

M- Bu-

*Hangs Up*

When i look back the guy is gone, then i look back at the little girl still on the bench. I walk up to her and she turns to stone but she jumps at the sound of my voice. "Oi, why don't u go home?" she grabs the rim of ber dress keeping her head down "because......because you told me not to..." she thought i was talking to her? I guess so? I look at her again "Hey, look at me" she stays still for a while before looking me straight in the eye. I bend down to reach her eye level "Where are your parents?" she hesitates then says "i don't have any"

I stand up my legs starting to hurt, and sigh when she starts to cry again. I wait a while before turning my back to her and bending down again gesturing her to get on my back "huh?" she says looking surprised, " don't huh? Me get on" she takes her precious time thinking about what she Wants to do while my legs are hurting eventually she gets on.

I look at her while she's on my back and i just now realized how many scars she has. Her eyes are puffy and her nose is is kinda chilly to....

"Hey" i say to her even tho she doesn't respond i know she's listening "Wipe your's disgusting...." she quickly wipes her nose feeling embarrassed. "And.....don't cry's annoying..." i look back at her any she's sleeping and i continue walking towards the hideout.

I Did It I Did It! Thank U For Those Of U Who Decided To Check This Story Out. I Feel Kinda Embarrassed Because I Don't Really Know How To Talk In A Kids POV. But AnyWay I'll Keep Trying Plz Vote~ All Comments Are Welcomed The Good And The Bad The Next Chapter Will Be Posted This Saturday Around 5 Or So But It Will Be Saturday Bye Bye

From XImCluelessX
LOL (Lot's Of Love XD)

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