Chapter 3

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Today i don't feel like doing anything.......i get up and sit in the same spot for a couple of minutes so my brain can focus, then i get in the shower.

This house we live in, yes we the house has 3 big bed rooms with at least 3 or 4 beds in each one including my room which has me, Max, James, And now ruby. So only some of the Crew lives here. Some people ask me how i can afford this kind of house, but I'm not the only one paying the for the house. Since we don't have that much people living in this house we all have to make an amount of money then pay for different things, like someone pays rent, someone pays the water bill or gas bill and so on.

Idk about James, but i hate both of our parents. It's not like i got kicked out or anything. When i was 8 and james was 7 we used to stay up late playing video games or watching movies while dad was just in the kitchen behind us reading news paper or looking at bills, and every single night just out of nowhere mom would come in the house in her slutty outfit making out with with the 5th guy we've seen that week. She never did anything at all no cleaning no cooking not helping with the bills she didn't buy us school clothes or anything, she wasn't abusive she was awful person who came from somewhere worse than hell. Now you may think, ok? So why does he hate his father? Well here's your answer, i hated him because he let it happen, he just watched her go up stairs and just let her fuck him, he would do everything a mother was supposed to, james idk probably felt the same was cuz one day he said. "Why do u let mom hurt you?" his excuse was "because i love her" i left when i 15 not the legal age but i did it because i didn't want to be stuck in a house full of pathetic people, and i took james with me, when i was 16 i started messing with gang shit and starting robbing people and stuff and eventually my name got out there, sooner or later i had enough money to get a house and let some of the guys in my gang stay in my house because they got kicked out there house when their parents found out what they where doing.

I stay in the shower a little while longer before getting out and getting dressed (I not gonna put what he's wearing well because.....i don't know what guys wear you guys can just make up something......DON'T JUDGE ME! I'M NOT AS SMART AS SOME PEOPLE xP)

I see Ruby still sleeping but max and james are gone, there probably already in the kitchen with some of the guys.

I head downstairs and i immediately smell Sausage, Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, Rice, Toast, Hot Dogs, Cookies, Burgers, And Brownies. I look around and see exactly that, seeing this much food that's how you know Nick cooked, despite his perverted ways he can cook really good. I see james pushing up his glasses he smiles a little bit smelling his food "Yes....finally we get to eat something edible.." max licks his lips "Yep yep! It's nothing like what reid cooked us the other day......i still get chills thinking about it......" "Come on cooming isn't that bad max your making a big deal out of this." "No I'm not! And not that bad! How do you accidentally put rocks in pancakes!" "Whatever...."

I take a seat next to my brother..i have every food nick cooked on my plate.

I finish my food and notice ruby behind me "good morning....." max and Ryan say "Good Morning Princess!" in unsion. Nick puts pancakes eggs and sasuage on a plate, picking ruby up and sitting her in front of it "Are you guys blind? She's no princess, She's a Queen" she looks happy when he says this.

"Oh! That's right we have 10 minutes to get to school before we're late!" everyone starts running towards the door James in front untill he stops right in front of everyone making a few guys hit each other "Dude what's the hold up?" Nick says rubbing his nose. James looks back at Ruby......."Ohhhhh...."

"Okay! So what are we gonna do with her any suggestions??" max says clapping his hands.

"Throw her in the trashcan."

"Put her in the backpack!"

"Say she's your kid!"

"Drown her!"

"Take her!"

"No! Wait..that's a good idea! We can take her!"

"Who's gonna do it tho??? 123 Not it!"

Eventually i lost, and now people are looking at me. "What the fuck are you looking at? Huh?" i say to some girl just staring at Ruby. Ruby's wearing the same dress she had on when i found her, James just washed it.

My first class Math. "Mr.Croftmen your late" my teacher Mr.Matthews says to me while writing and algebra problem on the bored. I go to the back of the room and sit in my seat with Ruby in my lap. Mr. Matthews turns around and immediately looks at Ruby. "Mr.Croftmen what is the meaning of this??" i just shrug my shoulders "We will talk about this after class..."

Class goes on for another hour with Ruby in my lap she's been listening to Mr.Matthews since we got here. The bell rings and everyone goes to there next class "Mr.Croftmen explain how this could happen?" "Well you see.....when a boy and a girl....." "Mr.Croftmen!" "Yeah yeah...." and i walk out my classroom.

School is kinda boring so i take Ruby and we get in my Truck. There really isn't anything to do. I look over to Ruby for a slit second to see her holding her stomach.

"What? U gotta poop?"


"You hungry?"


"Okay, what do u want?"


"Ok..McDonald's it is.."

We head straight to McDonald's and Ruby said she wanted the 4 piece nugget happy meal she also wanted one of those toys "For a Boy or a Girl?" the speaker says "Uh yeah sorry about that, For a boy please!" "I'm not a boy!" i look at her kinda surprised i didn't think she had the guts to yell at me, or anyone actually "Oh your a girl huh?" she pouts as i say this "Excuse me sir what did you say?" "I said for a girl thank you, and the apple slices that's all" "Thank you for your time, that'll be 3.29"

Ruby is eating her apple slices as i drive to the house, school will be over in a couple of hours, i did notice that Ruby needs some more clothes.....maybe I'll by her some....

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