Chapter-1 (Vampire!!!!)

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"Uwahhh!!! It so boring ..."

Ren stepped out from the car and stretched out his hands in the air.
Yui chuckled.

"Ren, help me with this it so heavy"

Yui said while trying to get out from the car with heavy suitcase in her hand.Ren has nothing he only has his backpack on his back.

"Yui why is your suitcase so heavy?"

Ren whined while carrying Yuri suitcase.

"I don't understand you girls"(Ren you are also a girl!!)

Yui chuckled and packed Ren's back.They both reached a mansion.
A Huge Mansion.

"Wow!! A mansion ! How creepy!"

Ren said while trying to push the door.

"Ren... You have to knocked"

Yui said and knocked on the door.
How polite! Ren thought and shrugged.Suddenly the sky darker and the rain pour down.

"It raining.What should we do?"

Yui cried while covering her head with both of her hands.

"It look like we have no choice"

Ren said as he dragged Yui hand and entered the mansion.

"See! It not locked beside it raining outside we have no choice but went inside.I think the owner might not angry"

Ren said and let go Yui hand.

"H-Hello... Is anybody here?
We were sent from churc- .Oh look!Ren! A boy!"

Yui said while pointing her hand at a boy who laying on a couch.Yui went near him.

"Is he sleep?"

"Oi ! Wake up! Wake-"

Ren shaked him and felt that his skin was cold as ice.

"Yui ! He so cold ! Like a dead person!"

Ren yelled.

Ayato's POV

I heard noises and pressure on chest.

"Hey ! Yui don't do that to a stranger!"

Another noise.I opened my eye to see a girl with girl with lovely red eyes.she had shoulder length blonde hair. She leaned on chest and yelled.

"Ren ! Call an ambulance! His heart is not beating!"

"Got it!"

Another voice reply.I get up and pinned her on the couch.She looked up me with wide eyes.She so cute.

"So noisy "I said.

"Hey! What are you doing?!Get of her!"

I felt a hand grabbed my shoulder and pull me backward.I turned my head to see a boy.He also has a blonde hair like the girl. And he is so tiny.Like a girl.

Suddenly he punched in the face and I fell backward .

"Don't you dare touch my sister and I'll crushed you"

He glared at me.I stand at and grabbed him by his collar.

"What the noise ayato?"

Reiji came out from who know where and said.

"What going on here? Ayato explain that.And let go the boy"

I do as he told.I look at the boy with We were meet later eye.

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