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      ~ chapter 2~

That night was probably the hardest night I have ever lived. Every one I have ever loved and knew had died. I cried my self to sleep, I was cold and hungry and all I wanted to do was die. I thought about just sitting here and never getting up. And I also thought about using my knife and cutting my wrists, but I knew I could never bring my self to do that. The sun came up that morning like every morning. I hoped it wouldn't  that I could stay in the darkness of my depression. The snow was almost gone now.

I got up and  trudged on. The nearest town was a four hour walk from here so I would have to start walking. If those bombs were radioactive I would need to find iodine.

I was almost halfway there when I came across a fresh stream. I knelt down and took a long drink of the cold and sweet water. Not thinking if it was contaminated. I rested for a while. I watched the birds sing and play, it reminded me of when my mother sang to me. Tears stung my eyes and I cried again but it was no use it would not bring them back, ever. I hated God right now, if there is one, any way. If he was I real he would not let me suffer. "Pffh, a loving God in deed. Killing thousands of people" I screamed at God. Some God he is. I picked up a twig and started cutting it.

After a while I accidentally poked my self with the twig I have been sharpening and cut my self. I watched as a bubble of red blood formed on my finger. I then I realized how thirsty I was.

After drinking water, I knew I would take some with me, I would need water for the last two hours of my trip. I saw a tree with leaves as large my head. I needed water, but I didn't know if I could make this work. I thought for a minute. I had plenty of loose string on my jacket and the needle I made was sharp. I tore off a piece of string and slipped it into the needle and got a large leaf. I worked at it until I got a oddly shaped pouch that held water.

I started my trip once again. After a long two hours I made it. Though it was not much of a town anymore. I walked through, the the ghostly town. The blackened houses stared back at me, as I watched for any sign of life. There had to be at least some one right? I shuddered at the sight of of a blacken body, the smell of burned blood in the air. There were craters where bombs landed. I shuddered as I saw the remains of burned bodies of children and men. Stray arms and limbs lay on the ground.

Tears stung my eyes as sympathy clung my heart for these people. I don't think any one lived. I found a house that didn't look too burned. I went in and found my way to the kitchen.  There were book bags and school supplies on the counter. I emptied out the largest book bag and I searched the kitchen. I found a good amount of canned foods. I neatly, as I could, stacked the cans into my bag. I found a fork and a cooking spoon and a pot in the cabinets. Every thing else was empty except for a thing of instant milk for babies and a couple bottles. I went up stairs and found a sleeping bag and first aid kit and toilet paper in the bathroom. I rolled the sleeping bag up and tied it to my bag, and put the first aid kit into my bag, along with the toilet paper. As I walked out I tripped and fell over a toy truck that was on the ground.

"Crap...."I said looking at my skinned knee. I realized how load of a bang I had made. As I got the first aid kit out, I heard a noise. It sounded like a child, no wait a baby and it was coming from inside the house! I dropped the first aid kit and ran for the room at the end of the hall. I opened the door to find a little baby crying softly. I ran to it and picked it up.

"Shhh..." I said holding it close to me. "It's ok...it's ok..."I soothed. There was a bag of diapers under the crib it was in and I put most of them in my bag. I laid the baby on the ground, careful to lean its head up, I changed its diaper to find out it was a little girl. Her parents were probably dead too. She looked to be a few months old. I cradled her close to me.

I continued to search the house I packed the bottles and the instant milk with me. Also I found a fridge full of water bottles. I put as many as I could into the bag. I could not hold anything else really in my bag. So I grabbed the baby and trudged on.

I went into a the woods again and went over my things. In the first aid, there was a large bottle of iodine, bandages, matches, scissors, wire, a dropper, and a Swiss Army knife. Which had a can opener in it, thank goodness. I found some dry wood in the clearing and made a pile on a sandy patch I found. I lit a match and threw it into the pile and watched as the fire spread eating at the wood. I laid the sleeping bag down and laid the baby on it, she was fast asleep. I opened a can of beans and dropped some iodine and took wire and tied the pot over the fire. As my beans cooked I poured water into one of the baby bottles and a little milk powder and a few drops of iodine. As I shook the bottle the baby woke up, right on time. I fed the baby, she went back to sleep after I burped her. And I ate my beans in peace. It was gonna be a long year

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