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      ~chapter 3~ 

I woke up to stars by the millions starring down at me. I was snuggled close to the small infant. It was chilly out but the sleeping bag was warm and the sun has not yet shone. I saw a glimpse of the sun at the edge of the sky. The sky was beautiful this morning and for a second I felt happy. I let a tear escape me. I wiped it off and turned and went back to sleep.

The sun shined bright this morning. I watched the birds play and sing. I changed and fed the baby, and went on my way. I headed for the next town, hopefully there will be some one to care for this child. I did not want to leave it, but it is hard for me to walk with out it crying. So I have two choices, A: I can give the baby to some one, or B: I can find some one to come with me and care for the child. I felt sad to leave it at such a thought.

I trudged on. I made two holes in my back back and unzipped the smallest part. I slid her legs into he two holes and made sure she would not fall and that she could keep her head out with out strangling her self. I walked until I got into the next town.
It took about two hours but I made it.

I watched as more houses looked to be abandoned. We walked through yet another ghost town waiting for any noise at all. It was quiet. I strained to hear something but heard nothing. I was scared. I looked into the houses only to see the corpses of the dead who lived in the town. I held the baby close to me, careful not to let her see this sight.

I looked at the sun, it was high in the middle of the sky, around lunch time, and I was hungry. I found a good place with no dead bodies to see, and sat down. I fed the baby her milk, and I opened a can of chicken and dumpling soup. As I ate I thought about just leaving the baby there do die, no, I shouldn't think about those things!

As I held the baby, I heard something. I heard what sounded like someone going through trash. I laid the baby by my bag hiding her from sight. I took out my knife and held it out in front of me. I pressed my hand hand on the wall and looked into the ally. Someone was digging in the trash!

"Who are you?" I demanded, though I wasn't that scary looking, heck I was the one scared!
It was a boy about my age, he looked tired he had shaggy black hair,hazel eyes, and a black cloak and gloves on.

"Well hello, sweetheart" he said winking at me. I rolled my eyes, I would rather be the last person on earth then be with this guy!

"I don't think it's the time to be flirting with strangers" I said adjusting my feet, so he can't take me down.

"Maybe, maybe not" he smiled slyly. "No" his face serious. "But that baby of yours won't last long"

"Wha- how did,  what are you talking about?!"

"The one that you hid by your bag" he said tilting his head towards it. My expression said  it all. He smiled again.

"May I hold it?" I lowered my knife what's the point this kid is crazy.

"Fine but, I am watching you!" I said embarrassed.


I walked to where my bag and the baby was the boy fallowed close behind. I picked the infant and cradled her close. The boy held out his arms and I handed the baby to him.

His face turned from stern to compassion, then to sadness. All in a few seconds. I looked at him in puzzlement and confusion. I realized that the baby had a burn along its arm. I took the baby out of his hands.

"I...I think I should hold her from now on" I said.  He nodded in agreement.

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