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chapter 4~

We had spent the day talking and chatting and came to be good friends. I have been having the the feeling at the back of my mind that I know this kid.

I found a nice spot to camp back in the woods, and the boy had tagged along. I had cooked some soup I found in my bag. There was a stream near by. I rolled some logs by the fire and the boy tended the baby.

"So...", I said dishing out soup. "I never got to ask what is your name, I am Jessica but every one calls me Jessie?"

"My name is Thomas." He said rudely. He looked down at his food.

"Well excuse me Mr. Rude, I didn't have to share my food and a warm fire now did I?" I said "My whole town just got burned to the ground and you think you can waltz in here and just use my stuff and not even be the slight of thankful?"

"Well I might as well leave then" Thomas said throwing his soup on the ground. " I am sorry for interrupting, I think I will just go die like my father and mother!" He yelled storming off.

I stared at the soup that was on the ground. "Waste of food" I muttered. "I would have eaten that".

I put out the fire and wiggled into the sleeping bag next to the baby. I started to wish Thomas had never tagged along. About a month passed we kept to our little camp site we had made and kinda lived there, venturing into town to get supplies. What do you know, me and Thomas were great friends and one night the baby didn't cry once in my slumber, I think things are going pretty good.

I woke up to find the baby gone as well as all my stuff, Thomas asleep by a tree. I still had my sleeping bag and knife in my pocket.

"Oh my god!" I screamed. I kicked at the ashes! Thomas's eyes were now wide open. He looked around shocked every thing was gone, even the logs.

"Who even wants a bunch of logs" he said rubbing his face.

"Well how the heck am I supposed to know?!", I  yelled "Who runs around stealing babies!" Something cracked. Thomas's eyes grew big as he stared at something behind me.

"Well, what do we have here" a deep voice rumbled. I turned to see a large black man leaning on a tree.

"Names Ray" the man said holding out his hand.

"Who the heck are you?" I said almost stumbling over in shock. How long has he been standing there? Did he take my stuff. I quickly took out my knife and pointed towards him.
"Who are you and what do you want?" I said.

"Now hold on little lady" he said holding up his hands " I won't bite I was out looking for Thomas here and-"

"how do you know Thomas?" I said glancing at Thomas who had a sheepish look on his face. "Thomas. Explain."

"Well...it's kinda a long story" he started to say the man gave him a confused look. "You..see..."

"I am his brother and is er...was a commanding officer in the war....you see... after I was injured they kicked me out, I found him before all this nonsense happened. Even adopted him into my family." Ray confessed. I now noticed as Ray walked towards me he had a limp. He put his hand on my shoulder. 

"You see, when Thomas heard I was injured he ran off and I have been looking for him ever since. I have a camp near by, I have been collecting survivors and helping them recover from any and all injuries." He said proudly. "You could come if you would like, help out some"

I stared at the ground I was confused it was like I was in some sort of story, every thing happens so fast...

"Thomas why didn't you tell me?" I said looking at him. He looked to the ground for an answer but he just shook his head.

"I guess I will go with you, I mean it can' to hurt." I said. The big man had a grin on his face as if he had won a million dollars. The next thing I know the big man had picked up Thomas  and slung him over his shoulder. Thomas squirmed and tried to get out of Ray's grip but Ray just laughed saying "you ain't gonna get away from me this time."

The camp wasn't too far, I was surprised to see how organized it all was, rows of tents the injured being cared for. It was like a little town. Horses grazed in a fenced area. Next to sheep, pigs, goats, and chickens.

I glanced around the camp. It was pretty big. Thomas walked next to me and whispered "I don't want you to be here any longer then you have to, my brother isn't as nice as he seems" I looked at Thomas who had a worried and scared look on his face.

"Now what are you love birds talking about" Ray interrupted giving Thomas an evil look.

"oh no we are not-" I started to say.

"I know, I know I am just messing so" he said putting a hand on my back " why don't I give you a tour."

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