Chapter 3: Disaster Date

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Bruno's POV

I'm standing in front of the mirror of my wardrobe in my boxers. What should I wear? I only got one hour. If I got some more time I'd ask my hairdresser to do the whomp 'n stomp, but I guess I'll just let my afro to the work. Or should I wear a fedora? ...Most people think only girls take so long to dress themselves up... idiots. I laugh in myself.

I was so happy. I totally forgot about the paper I found on the ground after Angelina left. When I found it in my pocket a few minutes ago, I decided to call the phone number. And surprisingly it turned out being hers! I couldn't even believe it at first when I heard her voice trough the phone. 

Oh shit, I forgot to tell Phil and Ryan! I already had chosen my outfit: a leather jacket, converse, some jeans and a black fedora hat, bigger than I'd usually go for. I went to Phil's hotel room, which was between Jamareo's and Jimmy's. I knocked. Surprisingly Ryan opened the door. "Hey man, what's up? You ready already? We're only leaving at 10!"

"Uhm.. yeah, about that.." I started. But of course, Phil popped up behind Ryan to interrupt me, like he always does.

"Sup Bru? Dang man, you look hot!" Phil said, kinda serious. Ryan and I looked at him with our 'What-the-fuck-is-wrong-witchu'-face. Phil burst out in laughter. "Just kidding man. No homo." I smiled. He's such a douche.

"So, uhm.. I'm going on a date with Angelina tonight," I explained Phil and Ryan "So I can't go with you. I'm sorry"

"Who the fuck is Angelina?" Ryan looked confused. Phil grinned. "It's an angel. His angel, without any wings."

Angelina texted me her address. She lived in an appartment. 6th floor, room 354. In checked myself out in the mirror of the elevator. I hope she likes it. As the elevator reached the 6th floor, I jumped out of it and searched for room 354. I knocked. And there she was. That wonderful smile again. "Hey," she said, shy.  She looked gorgeous. She reached out her hand. Instead of shaking it, I kissed it. Her cheeks turned red, even more red than the dress she was wearing.

Angelina's POV

So. There I was. Sitting right in front of Bruno Mars in a chic restaurant, on a date. I was so nervous. My fingers kept playing with the tablecloth.

"FOOD!" said Bruno when the smoked salmon arrived. I burst out in laughter. The waitress turned her head irritated to Bruno. As soon as she looked at Bruno, he whistled and looked in another direction, acting like it wasn't him who shouted a few seconds ago. "Oh, food's here. Thank you, my lady." He said, facing Grumpy Waitress, like he didn't notice the food already arrived. "You're such a gentleman." I giggled while looking at Bruno, as the waitress left angrily.

Bruno is so funny. He joked the whole time. I started to feel so comfortable. "Okay, okay, watch this!" He said. "This is about to blow your mind!" I laughed. He said that like he was going to announce the date of a new single. I acted like I was preparing myself for the 'big news'. He quickly grabbed an olive out of the tiny bowl in the middle of our table, threw it in the sky and catched it with his mouth. I laughed and clapped for him. He laughed with me and bowed. I didn't care about the annoyed people in the rest of the restaurant staring us.

I looked at my salmon on the plate in front of me and poked it with my fork. I put the glass on my lips, to take a sip. "You know, you look gorgeous tonight." Bruno said, smiling, showing off his dimples. I almost spit out the wine. Luckily, I could hold it in and swallow it. I put the glass on the table again and saw the print my red lipstick left on the edge. "Thank you." I said, facing Bruno. He brightly smiled. I quickly dropped my eyes on the table and blushed. I hate being this shy. He giggled. "Excuse me, I need to go to the toilet." Bruno shoved his chair rearwards and left the table, still smiling. He likes to make me blush, I guess. I shake my head and quickly grabb my phone out of my purse and text Kayleigh, my best friend. She's British, blonde, pale, tall and perfect. Everything I'll never be. Anyways, I promised her to let her know how the date went.

Kay, the date is going great!

I received a message back in a few seconds. She's so addicted to her phone.

Tell me everything about it tomorrow! I wonder who that amazing chap is xx

I sighed. If she only knew who he was. Just when I wanted to put my phone back in my purse, I noticed a guy in black in the corner of my eye, entering the restaurant in a rush.

Bruno's POV

I washed my face in the restroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm sweating. I was so nervous. It probably didn't look like it because I was joking the whole time. But she's so gorgeous. Too gorgeous. I've never seen a girl like her before. Her green eyes matching with her tanned skin and dark curly hair makes her so unique. And her personality is amazing too. I love how she gets shy when I compliment her. I grabbed a towel and wipe off the water of my wet face. I heard noises from the restaurant. I knew it was busy in the restaurant that night, but this didn't sound normal. I threw away the towel and leaned my ear on the door of the restroom. I hear some people screaming. But then, it's completely quiet. The only thing I hear is a deep man's voice. I can't understand what he's saying. I'm flabbergasted. Is there... there a thief in the restaurant? Shit, what about Angelina?

I grab my blackberry out of my pocket and call 911 without any hesitation. While I wait for someone to pick up, I quickly lock myself into a toilet, to feel more secure. C'mon, c'mon, pick up! I need to check on Angelina!

"Hello, 911. Police, ambulance or fire bri-"

"Police" I answered, interrupting the woman.

"Okay, wait a second"

Jesus freaking christ, I can't wait forever...

"Hello, how can I help you?" said another female voice.

After I called the police, I decided to rescue Angelina. I can't leave her alone with that pathetic guy until the cops finally show up, right? I slowly opened the door. It creaked. Everybody in the restaurant was looking at me. Every single person. Everyone was on the ground, hiding behind their chairs or underneath their table. Some of them were on their knees, with their hands in the sky. The thief probably forced them to. I heard some people whispering. "Shit!" "Who's that?" "Is that Bruno Mars?" "Get down, get down!" I ignored them. The only thing my eyes where focusing on, was the man in the middle of the restaurant, holding a knife on Angelina's neck and putting a gun in my direction.

It felt like I couldn't do anything. Like every single muscle inside me had frozen. Like my feet were glued on the ground. I could only stare at the tall, muscled man covered in black clothes and the crying Angelina. Like the devil who caught an angel from heaven. But then I heard that scream.

"BRUNO!" It was like time had stopped for a while and was turned on by that scream again.

"LET HER GO!" I shouted. I walked slowly, but confident, in their direction. I couldn't show that I was afraid.

"Step the fuck back." The stranger said. I didn't listen to him. As soon as I got even closer, he shouted. "STEP THE FUCK BACK!" He focused the gun on my head. I stopped walking. I was almost there, just three steps away. I saw Angel's red face, full of tears.

"Give me the money."

The knife was getting further and further in her skin. I looked the guy right in the eyes and said it once again, this time calm. All my fear was gone. I didn't even care about the gun anymore. "Let her go." I came on step closer. "AAAHH!" She screamed hard.  "stop.. I can't.. breathe.." she said, slowly sinking away. The guy hold her neck thight and he was still holding the knife on it. She could barely breathe and the knife was hurting her even more. It was horrible to see her like this. My heart pounded faster and faster. Then I heard someone loudly opening the door of the restaurant. Finally. "Hands up, you're arrested."

The restaurant was suddenly full of cops. They were all focusing their guns on the guy. After a few seconds the guy realized he couldn't escape anymore and he let go Angelina. She fell on the ground, unconscious, bleeding.

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