Chapter 4: Flashbacks

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Bruno's POV

What have I done? The whole night was ruined, because of me. I shouldn't have go to the toilet, I should have stayed with her. Protect her. But no, I failed. What a horrible first date. The way she fell on the ground, so lifeless. How the blood streamed out of her neck, so unreal. And now I'm here, in the hospital at midnight, sitting on a sofa in the hallway next to Angelina's room. The doctors said they couldn't tell anything about her condition yet. I was worried, because they wouldn't let me see her either. I was hanging fore over on the edge of the couch, playing with my fingers, nervy. Would she be mad at me? As I sighed, the door opened. The tall man in white clothes with a red clipboard in his hands looked at me and asked "Peter?"

Angelina's POV

I was so dizzy... I tried to open my eyes, but they felt so heavy. I remember everything that happened that night. When the thief entered the restaurant, in a rush. Everyone screamed. The restaurant was full of people, but I felt alone. Bruno went to the restroom. Our table was the closest one to the front door of the restaurant. I remember how the robber looked around and how his dark brown eyes crossed mine. I couldn't see his face, because it was covered by a hood, with only two holes in it for his eyes. Everything after that happened so fast. He was suddenly holding me while clamping my airways. I struggled to breathe. That didn't please him, because after I tried to escape, he put a knife on my throat too. I try to not cry, to not waste any of the air that I had in my lungs, but I couldn't help myself. I started to cry hysterically. The man wouldn't let me go unless he'd get 'the money'. Nobody in the restaurant gave a damn about me. They all hid behind their chairs and some underneath their table, scared the man would shoot them. I felt the knife pressing on my skin. When it actually cut me, I screamed like I've never screamed before. I remember every feeling from that moment. How the knife went deeper and deeper in my skin. The breath of the robber in my neck that got warmer and warmer. The arm around my throat that held me tighter and tighter. And then Bruno entered.

Just as Bruno opened the door in my flashback, I opened my eyes. And there he was, hanging over my bed, with a worried face.

"Bruno.." I said smiling, even though my voice cracked.

"Angel! How are you?" He said, still worried. I can tell from his eyes that he's very glad I'm awake. They're sparkling. He... he called me Angel... Just like Daniel used to do... Oh my gosh, Daniel! I totally forgot about him. 

"I'm fine..." I said as I tried to get up. Bruno pushed me back in the bed, carefully. "No, you're not." He pointed at my throat. I couldn't see it. Bruno quickly grabbed a mirror from the cupboard next to my hospital bed and hold it in front of me, so I could see what was wrong with my neck. Ew, it was full of stitches and sutures. 

The doctor stood next to my bed. His face was kinda worried to. 

"I'm afraid we have a little problem." 

"What's wrong, doctor?" I asked. 

"Well, you my lady, have a very precious blood type, O-. And you lost a lot of blood last night. We need somebody to donate O- blood." He said. I saw anger in Bruno's eyes. "This is a hospital. Aren't you supposed to always have extra blood in case someone needs it?!" The doctor scratched his head. "Well, I just said O- is a very precious blood type, not many people have it.." 

"So? What now? Does she have to wait til somebody comes to donate their blood?" "One of her parents should have O-..."  

"Her parents live in Canada." Bruno said. I see he remembered what I told him last night during our date. I told him about my family. 

Before the doctor could say something, I interrupted the discussion. 

"Guys, I think I know someone..."

Bruno's POV

"Daniel? Who his Daniel?" I looked confused at Angelina. She didn't told me about someone named Daniel, which is strange, because she told me almost everything about her family and friends. 

"He is... my boyfriend... my ex-boyfriend." She said. I could tell from her eyes that something was wrong. The doctor seemed to not give a shit and he asked for Daniel's surname and telephone number. Angelina answered his questions and the doctor left, to call Daniel. As he closed the door, I faced Angelina. 

"Why haven't you told me about him?" 

"I don't wanna talk about him." She looked away to avoid eye contact. I sat down on her bed and played with her fingers. 

"Are you sure he's your ex?" I asked. Stupid me, I shouldn't have asked her. Now she thinks I don't trust her. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Angelina faced me, raising her eyebrows. 

"Yes, of course... That's what I just said." 

"... Okay." 


I hold her hand. It was very warm. 

I came a little closer to her face. 

"Are you mad at me?" I whispered. 

"No." She said, without any hesitance in her voice. 

I smiled and slowly kissed her forehead. She smiled too and blushed. 


A while later I felt Angelina feeling more comfortable. It's hard to make her feel relaxed, but once she is, she's got the greatest personality. We have the same sense of humour. I've played with the controller of her bed, what would make it go up and down. After that I sat on a chair, spinning around, saying "beep, beep, beep" along with the heartbeat machine thingy of Angelina. I loved to make her laugh or smile. Later I was sitting on her bed again. She asked me if I could sing a song to her. "Of course," I said. "Which one?" 

"Whatever you want." 

I grinned. I knew exactly which song I'd sing to her. 

"Beautiful girls, all over the world.." I didn't have a guitar, obviously, so I decided to snap with my fingers to create a beat. 

"I could be chasing, but my time would be wasted 

'Cause they got nothin' on you, baby 

Not-not-not-nothin' on you babe, not-not-not..." I did B.o.B's background singing too. She laughed. 

"Nothin' on you, baby 

They might say hi" I pointed at her. 

"Hi!" She said, laughing. 

"And I might say hey... hey" I quickly waved. 

"But you shouldn't worry about what they say 

'Cause they got nothin' on youuuuu, baby. 

Nothin' on you baby.

After I was done with singing, she clapped for me. We both burst out in laughter. I noticed she had dimples too. Adorable. 

"So... won't you runaway from me now?" I asked her, thinking about our first meeting in the park. 

She smiled. "Of course not." 

Our faces came closer. Our eyes closed. Just when I wanted to press my lips against hers, I heard the door opening.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm on my phone right now bc my computer ain't working. Hope you liked it anyways :*

Angel without Wings (Bruno Mars Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang