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"I'm human." Cas said.

"I know you are. I can feel it." Genevieve told him kissing his bare shoulder." I still love you Cas. Angel or not. "

"I love you too." Castiel smiled pulling her closer.

"Guys Crowely. Oh my gosh. I'm going to go." Sam busted in before covering his eyes.

Genevieve laughed as Sam all but ran out of their room closing the door. Castiel kissed Genevieve before helping her up.

"Let's go see what Sam needed." Genevieve said pulling on a white sundress.

Cas nodded kissing her cheek. Picking up baby Caela Genevieve left downstairs.

"I don't think I'm ever going to be able to look at you again." Sam commented.

"You'll be fine Sammy." She laughed placing Caela in Sam's arms.

"So what was it you needed." Castiel asked finishing buttoning his shirt.

"Um I got a call from Crowely asking us for help." Sam said letting Caela hold his finger in her Sam fingers.

"Crowely?" Genevieve asked taking a bite of her peach.

"Yeah. He has Dean and he needs our help because he's getting out of control."

"So he wants our help to clean up his mess." She clarified.

"Yeah." Sam answered giving the baby to Cas.

"You and I can meet him after breakfast."

Genevieve patted Sam's chest snapping her fingers.

"I'm staying here with the baby because I'm human aren't I?" Cas asked quietly.

"Your staying with Caela because if something happens to me I want her to have you. And if something by some chance gets in here I know your the most qualified to protect her." Genevieve explained.

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