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Kaylee's POV

Ashleigh and I were in the backseat of the car jamming out to all of Austin's songs. We had just pulled into the parking lot at the mall. We jumped out of the car and started running to the entrance.

"Guys wait. I have to know where you are so you have to go with me." Matt yelled from a few feet behind us.

"Well hurry up we have to get some food and we have to get closer to the front!" Ashleigh yelled back at him as we slowed to a jog. He caught up to us at the entrance right as we walked towards the food court.

"Ok so Austin tweeted that they moved the meet and greet to the middle of the mall not the store anymore. There were too many girls I guess!" Ashleigh told me as we waited in line at the Chipotle.

"Wow seriously? We are going to be here all day." I said back.

It was my turn to order. Then I went to pay while Ashleigh ordered. I sat at a table and sipped my Sprite while I waited for her. Once she sat down we began eating.

"Hey how's your dad after his surgery?" I asked her.

"He's good. He can't drive much though so we can't do much for awhile. I wish my parents would get another car already."

"You guys really need another one." I said agreeing with her.

We talked about random things until we had finished eating. We got up and took care of our garbage and left to go to the meet and greet. It was 11:30 so we had another half hour till he got here. I can't wait to see him in person.

"Hey so I was talking to Griffin yesterday," Ashleigh started.

"I can't even hear his name without getting depressed." I said before she could finish and sighed.

"Well you just listen to this. Apparently he broke up with his girlfriend in order to date someone else he likes more. That person may be Y-O-U." she said poking my nose while she spelt out 'you'.

"I don't know. Every time he sees me he always says he doesn't like me. I think if he keeps acting like that I'm done."

"But he even told me it wasn't someone from school-"

"I don't want to hear it."I cut her off. Griffin was her cousin and I met him 3 years ago at her cabin. I always had a little crush on him and her whole family found out, including him, thanks to Ashleigh. I like other guys, but my head always goes back to Griffin.

I checked my phone, realizing Ashleigh had dropped the conversation and I didn't know how long I had been in thought. It read 11:43. So close.

"Man I'm so excited! I can't believe he finally came here! Now I can date him and dance all over that." Some girl said in front of me. She looked a little old for Austin. That sickened me. How do people only think about getting that from famous people. Why can't anyone just say 'he has a great personality' or 'I love his hair' anything but that. That's what makes me different from most girls.

I looked over at Ashleigh to see if she had heard her. She looked back and nodded, looking disgusted. I love how we could talk in facial expressions and we just knew each other. It was nice having someone like that.

I checked the time again. 11:50. In ten minutes he will be here. I will hug him. I can't wait.

"Griffin texted me! Read it!" She said excitedly jumping up and down.

"Calm down and give me the phone." I said with a small laugh. She handed me the phone and I read the text. My eyes got wide.

'Hey can u give me Kaylee's #? Somethin I gotta ask her.'

Oh gosh. Ashleigh was right. He does like me. I always thought he liked those fake girls who wore more makeup than clothing on their body.

She snatched the phone back. "I'm giving him your number." She started to type frantically.

"Wait! I don't know. I don't think I should. What if he turns out to be some jerk and is messing with me. I mean you see the girls he hangs out with right?"

"Sorry but it's too late now. I sent it before you finished saying 'I don't know.'"

Great. Now I'm stuck dealing with him. How will I get out of it if I need to. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text. Most likely one from him. I opened it and read it with hesitation. I was shocked.

That was not was I was expecting him to say.

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