Chapter 9

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Ashleigh's POV


We all got out of our karts after our little race. Austin got 1st place, Kaylee in 2nd, Alex in 3rd, and I got last. Honestly I could care less what place I got. I had a lot of fun racing and bumping into things. Alex was by my side the whole time, and I was beating him for awhile, but right before I was going to cross the line he sped ahead of me.

"Yeah I would have beat you Austin, but I wanted to stay by Ashleigh." Alex said as he took his helmet off.

"Excuses, excuses Alex. I bet I could beat you if it was just you and me." Austin said standing proudly by the sign with his name on it saying he won.

"You're on Mahone." Alex said smirking. The boys shook hands and put their helmets back on. The workers helped get their karts in place while Kaylee and I went to sit at a table to watch.

"This is going to be interesting. I bet Austin will wipe out first." I said smirking at Kaylee. She looked at me shockingly.

"Oh yeah? How about we bet on it. I say we get $10 if our guy wins." She said and crossed her arms.

"$10? Boring." I said pretending to yawn. "How about we up the stakes to $25?" I said.

"$30." She said.

"$40." I said.

"$50." Kaylee said. I realized I only had $50 left so I stopped raising the bet and we shook on it.

The guys were in their karts getting ready to start. The lights went off.




And they were off.

Kaylee and I were both cheering as they raced around. They kept taking turns being in the lead. They bumped into each other trying to knock them off the track.

They were on their last lap and Alex was in the lead. Looks like I was about to gain 50 bucks.

We were cheering louder and louder as they got closer to the finish. Austin caught up to Alex and they were neck and neck. It looked like they were about to tie when Austin hit Alex and he swerved to the right enough for Austin to pass and cross the finish line.

Kaylee's POV


Austin had won the race and I just became $50 richer.

They jumped out of their karts and I ran to hug Austin. He opened his arms and I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. Over his shoulder I could see Alex looking defeated and Ashleigh walking over to comfort him.

"Hey it was a good race. You did really good Alex." Ashleigh said hugging him. He smiled and hugged back.

I let go of Austin and went over to Alex.

"Hey you did good Alex. I think Austin might have cheated." I leaned in and whispered that last part.

He laughed. "Thanks Kaylee." I hugged him and Austin started walking over.

"You're pretty good bro. Next time you'll win." Austin said. They hugged and Ashleigh and I Aww'd.

"Yeah yeah sappy moments over, let's get some pizza! I'm starving." Austin proclaimed excitedly. He rushed to the food stand to order.

Alex, Ashleigh and I walked back to the table we were previously at and waited for our food.

"Time to pay up Ashleigh." I said putting my hand out across the table, gesturing for her to hand me the money.

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