Chapter One

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The rain poured down, soaking its manic victims of New York who hurriedly made the quick escape of the warmth of their homes. As the yellow cab pulled up next to the tall building, Mikey pulled his sports bag over his shoulder, bracing himself for the shower that greeted him. He placed the dollar bills into the driver's chubby hand. And Mikey swung the door of the taxi open, feeling a wave of coldness hit him. It wasn't like he wasn't wet already. He had been at soccer training this morning but after a while the pitch got flooded and their captain, 'Leatherhead' called practice off, they had nicknamed him for how he always had the bad luck of attracting the ball to his face, causing him to a permanent expression on his face as if were made of leather, and thus, the nickname was born. Normally Mikey would walk home or get a lift back from Leo, but when he realised that Leo would still be at work, he remembered the lunch money he had left over from the previous Friday and decided to save him the soggy walk home and catch a ride. However, as stereotypical as it sounded, trying to find a taxi in the middle of a storm in New York was a hell lot of trouble and it was out of pure luck that he found one, just before he was splashed by an oncoming bus. As Mikey walked up the concrete steps of the apartment building he could he the squelching sound of his soaked socks every time he took a step. When he got into the building, his heart sank a little when he saw that the elevator was out of order. He glared at the stairs, feeling a little determined to make all 15 stories.

By the time Mikey had reached their apartment door he heard the distinctive mumble of Raph and Donnie on the other side. Mikey fumbled with his keys for a bit since he had his hands full of bags, and finally swung open the door. The hallway was lit up, giving off a warmth that Mikey didn't realise he desperately needed. He dropped his bags with a thud and much like a dog, shock off any dripping water from his already drenched body. The mumbling from the other room was quiet within seconds and Mikey looked up from where he was taking off his muddy shoes to see a tall figure looming over him. Donnie was tall, compared to Mikey he was a giant, despite the fact that he was only two years older than him. He had dark brown hair and a thin face, not like unhealthy thin, but the type of tall but slim, kinda thin. He had light brown eyes and tanned skin, despite the fact that he usually preferred to lock himself away with his nose in a book or search the internet for hours on end. But Mikey guessed it was in the genes. All his brothers had tanned skin, apart from Mikey. Leo had dark black hair and deep sea blue eyes. Raph had hair a shade darker than Donnie's and dark green eyes. Mikey on the other hand was like the random mixture that was thrown into the group of brothers. He had light skin with freckles plastered over the bridge of his nose and his cheeks and crystal blue eyes. He had golden blonde hair and was very short compared to his brothers. If he told you that he was of Asian heritage, you'd think he was having you on, but for the others, you could clearly tell that they were brothers. Mikey on the other hand was often joked about being the 'runt', curtesy of Raph, which Mikey didn't seem to mind too much. His brothers were by far stronger than him, Donnie being very muscular for a sixteen year old. Raph loved working out, as it was his life purpose, he was a lot stockier compared to Donnie's healthy looking frame. Raph was two years older than Donnie, however Donnie had long gone passed Raph in height, almost reaching 6 foot whilst Mikey stood at around 5"2. Leo was about 6 foot. He was the oldest; he was a whole ten years older than Mikey as he was twenty-four years old. The age gap didn't seem to faze the two brothers, as all of them were closer than average brothers, especially ones that practically live and do everything together. It was a miracle that no one had killed each other yet, Mikey thought. However a hand waving over his face snapped him back into focus,

"Hey bro you okay?" Donnie said, crouching slightly so he was at eye level with Mikey,

"Huh?" Mikey said removing his other shoe,

"You kinda zoned out there kid" Raph said from behind the taller teen.

"Oh sorry, jus' thinking" Mikey said with a goofy smile, he ignored Raph's comment, he didn't hear it clearly but it went along the lines of, 'you gotta have a brain for that dofus',

"I'm guessing that soccer practice was cancelled" Donnie said, standing up to walk into the living room. Mikey went to follow before an abrupt hand placed itself onto his shoulder,

"Go shower, now. You'll catch your death if you hang around in them wet clothes for longer" Donnie ordered, good old doctor Donnie, always fussing and being busy. He was as bad as Leo when it came to being mother hen, all three of them where. Leo and Donnie showed it a lot, but Raph on the other hand tried to keep his, 'tough guy attitude' in check, but he cared deep down. Mikey knew that under all that hard guy exterior, Raph was a big softie, especially when it came to little brothers and animals. Raph was a sucker for 'em. Mikey looked down to see that maybe his dog shaking skills wouldn't save him from getting ill as a pool of water had formed around his feet. Mikey so desperately hoped that he would wake up with a stuffed nose and no voice. It came with being a little guy, Mikey got sick a lot, it had never been too serious, but Mikey was always the first to get sick and the last to recover. He slugged his way to their small bathroom which had tiles that needed replacing. He switched the water on and silently prayed for the warmth when he felt the hot water wash over his freezing cold body. He only had 10 minutes of hot water, since he knew that Leo would want one soon once he came back from his job at the dojo, so Mikey mentally set a clock in his head, reminding himself not to use up all the hot water. Although being the baby of the family does have its privileges, using up all the water and having three freezing older bros, does not count as one of them. And he'd learnt that the hard way. Mikey felt the gush of the steamy water as it tricked over his small body. He heard the front door open and a smile crept onto his lips when he heard Leo's voice from the living room. He felt so happy, as if he could live in the perfect little bubble that was his life. He had absolutely no idea how it was all about to come crashing down any time soon...

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