Chapter 4 - Decisions and Departures

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‘Beth?’ Gandalf asked. ‘You have reached a decision?’

‘In the version of the quest I know, well . . . something bad happens to Boromir.’

‘Bad, you say?’

‘Yes. He . . . he dies. Horribly.’ Gandalf said nothing. ‘But if he stayed here, I don’t know what impact that would have on the ring quest. It might ruin it completely if he’s not there. He might have saved Aragorn’s life, or something, and if he’s not there, Aragorn might die or . . . or anything might happen! Gandalf, what do I do?’

‘I’m afraid I can’t help you, Beth. This has to be your decision.’

‘But if I choose Boromir . . . the quest . . .’

‘Beth, the quest has already changed from the version you know, hasn’t it?’

‘I suppose so.’

‘And with Camelot taking a greater role in the quest, perhaps Boromir’s role is not so important.’

‘But . . .’


‘But Boromir’s death was one of the most heart-breaking scenes in the film- in what I know of the quest. Such a noble death. I cried every time I saw it. It was beautiful.’

‘Is death ever beautiful? But it is your decision, Beth.’

‘If he stayed, how long . . . how long would he last?’

‘That is very difficult to say. Maybe a year, maybe ten. Boromir is a strong man.’

‘Then I choose him. I’d rather him die here from pleasure than on the quest in pain.’

‘You have chosen wisely, my lady.’

‘I do hope so, Gandalf. I don’t want to be responsible for the quest failing.’

We returned to the grotto and I approached the naiad.

‘You have made your decision?’ Charmina asked.

‘Firstly I have to say that I don’t agree with any of this. This is wrong.’

‘Beth!’ Gandalf warned, but I ignored him.

‘These men should be free to choose.’

‘They are, Beth,’ the naiad replied, looking a little crossly at me.

I snorted derisively. ‘That’s not true and you know it. They’re bewitched and you should release them now.’

Charmina smiled, slowly and sexily. ‘Men, and Mab, you may leave at any time,’ and she waved her hand dismissively. No one moved. ‘There, Beth.’

‘Of course they haven’t moved. They’re enchanted!’

She shrugged. ‘So, do they all stay because you can’t make a decision?’

That rankled. ‘Very well. If I must, I choose . . .’ All the men and Mab leaned towards me. ‘I choose Boromir.’

It was as though he had just won the lottery. Or an Oscar. Or some significant award in this world that I couldn’t think of at the moment. The other men were all congratulating him. Only Mab didn’t seem the least bit happy for him. She flew over to me and hovered in front of my face.

‘Why was it you excluded me

Is it ‘cos I’m so tiny?’

I frowned at her.

‘The forest needs your presence clear

It is not right that you stay here.’

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