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Tamako sifted the guitar on her back as she looked at the poster taped to the window. In bold, all-capital lettering, it read 'now hiring.' She swallowed, contemplating her options.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to actually come in and ask for a job?" A younger boy with brunette hair asked with a bitter tone.

The girl turned to witness his sneer as he glared at her.

"I'm not really sure if I want to apply, though." Despite the look he was giving her, she smiled gently and laughed uncomfortably.

"Well, figure it out." He grunted and pushed the metallic frames of his glasses higher on his nose, causing the glare of the sunlight to shield his brown eyes. "You're tainting this restaurant."

She released an estranged sound, unsure of how to react to the strange boy. "O-okay...?"

Without another word, the boy rounded the corner of the building, going through the back door. The older girl pushed through the front door, taking in the light-hearted environment and pastel, warm-feeling walls.

A girl about the same age as the brown-haired boy that Tamako met before entering the restaurant bowed respectfully. Her bright orange, short hair framed her smiling face as the atmosphere bubbled with joy and welcoming vibes. "Welcome to Wagnaria." She said, holding a serving tray over her waitress uniform.

"Oh, thanks." Tamako bowed quickly. "May I speak to the manager, please?"

"Y-yes, of course." The girl stuttered shyly. "Follow me."

She led the older woman with frizzy, brunette layers and blunt bangs to the workers' 'break room' and offered her a seat. As soon as she sat down, a blonde woman -- roughly the same age as her judging by her appearance -- entered the small room.

She looked like a normal, blissful woman, but Tamako's perception of her changed entirely when she saw the sheathed katana tied to her waist. Yet, fearing judgment from her potential employers, she said nothing.

"Yachiyo-san, can you please get Kyouko-san?" The orange-haired girl asked.

The blonde woman -- Yachiyo -- nodded. "Oh, yes." With that, she left through another door to retrieve 'Kyouko,' who Tamako assumed to be the manager.

Within moments, Yachiyo returned with a tall, dark-haired woman with a parfait in her hands. She sucked on the spoon and wore a frown with dull gray eyes. "Who's this?" She mumbled through the yogurt in her mouth.

"She asked to speak with you." The orange-haired girl explained.

The taller woman grunted and gave a small nod. "Okay. Go back to work, Inami-chan." She ordered.

"Y-yes, ma'am!" She -- Inami -- obeyed without question and rushed back out to the restaurant floor.

Tamako stood and bowed deeply, keeping a hand on her guitar case to make sure it didn't slide off her shoulders. "I'm Tamako Tsukamoto. It's nice to meet you." She introduced respectfully, looking up with golden-brown eyes to watch Kyouko and Yachiyo's reactions.

"Kyouko Shirafuji. Manager." The tall woman introduced in a low voice. She then glanced at the blonde woman standing beside her. "Yachiyo Todoroki. Chief of Staff."

"Oh, um, hello." Tamako greeted again, taking in the odd character.

The brunette waited for further instruction or questions from either of the women, but they just stared at her. Kyouko calmly ate her parfait as Yachiyo seemed to be in a different world altogether.

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