Extra: Valentine's Day

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Tamako groaned when she pulled her mail from her mailbox. Pink and red flyers littered her important letters, advertising chocolate packages and cake mixes for the overly-glorified holiday. She never liked the love-filled day, yet it felt even more dreadful knowing that she had someone to pay attention to.

"Oh, do you have anything special in your mail?" Souma -- her particularly bothersome partner -- leaned over her shoulder.

"Just junk." She shrugged as she tossed the flyers in the trash can before climbing the stairs to her apartment.

"Can we hang out before work, Tamako-chan?" The bluenette hummed.

"No. I have to get ready."

"Tamako-chan..." He whined and pouted his lower lip.

"Souma-san..." She mimicked his childish act.

"Fine." He sighed. "But I don't see why you still don't call me by my first name."

"Will that get you off my back?" She raised a brow as she fiddled with the lock.

He nodded and grinned.

She pried the door open and went inside, leaning around the frame with a playful smile. "Hiroomi-kun."

The door was closed just before the boy's cheeks became red.


"Hello..." Popura stood on her toes, forcing herself into Tamako's field of vision, calling out to her in her haze. "You're acting weird. Do you need to take the night off?"

"Oh, no! I'm fine, just a little tired." The taller girl smiled with assurance.

Popura lowered her voice. "Did something happen with Souma-san?"

Even though they hadn't announced it, all of their coworkers knew that Souma and Tamako were dating. Kyouko had even dismissed it, thinking that the level-headed girl would be able to bring out the best in the questionable young man.

"No, no! We're fine."

"Okay, then." Popura decided to dismiss the topic. "But if you ever need advice, don't be shy and come talk to big sister Popura!" She declared.

Tamako released a giggle. "I'm older than you, Popura-chan."


The eccentric brunette returned to the serving floor. The older girl slowly proceeded to follow, but was stopped by two arms wrapping around he shoulders from behind. She stifled a yelp, and calmed down when she realized that Souma was her captor.

He pulled her into an isolated isle of inventory so that he could speak with her without getting caught by Kyouko or the nosy Yamada.

"Tamako-chan..." He frowned, he gray eyes reflecting seriousness. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing, I'm just a bit tired." She answered, smiling to keep him from worrying.

"I know that's not true. Are you keeping secrets?"

"No secrets. I promise, everything is okay." She turned to leave, not wanting to be scrutinized anymore, but he tugged on her arm.

"You know I'll find out if you have a secret."

"I'm aware of your stalker-like habits. I did choose to be with you, after all." She grinned.

"Tamako-chan..." He pouted.

"It's okay, Souma-san."

His pout grew wider, and she realized that it was because of what she had called him.

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