Chapter 2

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Chres & Lauryn are just chilling today laying in her bed

Lauryn: So Chres what’s going to happen when we get to college

Chres: (looking at her) What do u mean

Lauryn: Are we going to stay together or take a break cause u know college is where people break free & experiment plus I already know for a fact I’m going to have to fight thirsty girls off of u being a football star & all (poking him)

Chres: (smirking) Yea but u ain’t got nothing to worry about I may look but at the end of the day I know what I want & that is u & u already mine plus I’m gone have to fight niggas off u cause u the totally package beauty, brains & a nice body (smacking her ass)

Lauryn: Ouch u asshole that hurt plus my ass ain’t even that big

Chres: Its getting there just keep letting me hit that yo ass gone be big like yo mamas

Lauryn: (hitting him) Don’t be talking bout my mama ass like that

Chres: Man auntie Cici got a fat ass so do auntie Jazzy man I peeped that when I was younger & use to try to touch it & got away with it cause they thought it was cute & I had a mean crush on auntie Cici but I never let anybody know (smiling)

Lauryn: (laughing) Nasty man u used to fondle my mama & auntie Jazzy that’s incest

Chres: If that’s incest why we dating cause u technically my cousin if yo mama & daddy my auntie & uncle  

Lauryn: We ain’t blood related so it don’t matter (rolling her eyes)

Chres: Exactly (pulling her close to him) since we ain’t really related we can have relations if u know what I mean (sucking on her neck)

Lauryn: No Chres not here last time we did something here I was almost killed

Chres: (laughing) Oh yea man I thought uncle Prince was gone kill me for eating u out then auntie Cici was a whole nother story I saw my life flash before my eyes when she hit me I hate whoopings man specially from my mama man I swear she be trying to kill a nigga & my dad sit there & let her do it

Lauryn: Stop being suck a bad ass then maybe auntie Brittney wouldn’t have to beat the yellow off u (sitting between his legs)

Chres: I know u not talking caused I don’t witnessed auntie Cici tearing that ass up even to this day I bet any amount of money she would still beat u

Lauryn: (smacking her lips) Whatever I ain’t scared of her

Cici: (walking in with the laundry) U ain’t scared of who Lauryn

Chres: She said she ain’t said of (gco)

Lauryn: (covering his mouth) I said I wasn’t scared of going to college cause I’m ready

Cici: (looking at her) Yea right but get from between his legs like that & just cause ya’ll gradated high school don’t mean ya’ll grown

Chres: I am grown auntie I’m 18, little Lauryn on the other hand still a minor

Lauryn: (getting from between his legs) Shut up don’t hate cause I got to start kindergarten when I was 4 & u had to wait until u was almost 6

Chres: See that ain’t even right its not my fault I was born in December (pouting)

Cici: (shaking her head) Both of ya’ll immature & I hope college matures ya’ll (walking out) don’t shut the this damn door cause I know what ya’ll heffas be trying to do & Lauryn u know yo daddy gone have yo ass if he find out

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