Chapter 60

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Vincent and Kaylah are at his house chilling

Vincent: (laying on top of Kaylah) Give me kiss

Kaylah: No, not after u just ate ass sardines yo breath smell like unwashed vagina

Vincent: (laughing) Aye man them was good though I grew up on them and Vienna sausage, but my breath done stink I brushed my teeth after

Kaylah: (holding her nose) I can’t tell & eating Vienna sausage is like eating Bologna & that’s disgusting

Vincent: Dang man u & Londyn don’t eat none of the typically black people food do u know what a struggle plate is

Kaylah: (laughing) Yes I do did u forget my mama can’t really cook I’ve had plenty of struggle plates

Vincent: Do u eat Ramon noodle, hotdogs or Chef Boyardee  

Kaylah: Yes I eat noodles with all the seasoning and hot sauce & I only eat beef or turkey hotdogs & no I hate Chef Boyardee because that’s all my mama used to fix us when we was little and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches that probably why I don’t eat jelly (true I hate jelly but I used to eat it as a kid and I don’t care for milk but I used to always drink it as a kid)

Vincent: We gone have to change all that cause when we get married u not gone always get a gourmet meal at some fancy restaurant sometimes u gone get a struggle plate

Kaylah: That’s fine, but who said we was getting married (looking at him) I don’t like u like that nigga u ain’t even all that cute I like light skin boys

Vincent: Oh so we playing that game ok (getting off her) its cool cause I only date u cause u light skin, got a pretty face & got pretty hair cause in reality my little sister go more body than u & what u mean u like light skin boys I am light skin

Kaylah: (getting up) Nigga u caramel  & that was mean take me home I’m mad at u (folding her arms) cause I am getting thick (looking in the mirror at her butt)

Vincent: (laughing) I just playing with u, u know I love u girl and u more than a pretty face to me (smacking her butt) yea u getting thick back there u been doing squats (pulling her into his lap)

Kaylah: I mean I am a cheerleader & I guess its time for my body to develop cause I mean my mama & auntie has big butts and boobs

Vincent: Hell yea they do

Kaylah: (looking at him)

Vincent: I mean no offensive but Kaylah your mom & aunts are hot, I hope u still look as good at them when we get they age cause u will never have to worry about me cheating then

Kaylah: I should never have to worry about u cheating cause just like my mama & aunts I can go crazy & kill a nigga too my daddy took me to boxing with him & we bout to start going to the gun range when Chres come go on winter break

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