What dating Darry would be like

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-Late night talks after he gets home from work

-Basically helping him raise Soda and Ponyboy

-helping Ponyboy with homework and stuff while Darry's working

-a lot of trust

-trying not to get walked in on when having sex (lol it could happen)

-sweet love letters

-working out together

-going on dinner dates

- having Pony and Soda adore you and wanting you and Darry to get married

-making eachother food

-deep, meaningful talks

-dancing, either to records at your place and slow dancing to them or at a diner. (get it? Because Patrick Swazey was in Dirty Dancing ;) lol sorry)

-unconditional love

A/N: I'm gonna do something like this for all 7 guys so I hope you guys like them❤️
Darry, my under apperciated baby

The Outsiders Preferences&imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora