Chapter 1

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 It was a cold, dark night in Westshire, Georgia. I was out on my killing spree, why? Because this is what I do, I kill innocent people and I could care less. I was mostly invisible, just when I wanted to be, weird right? But, the only reason I was killing people is because I wanted attention from the Creepypasta's. My dream goal is to be just like them, they're all beautiful in their own way and I respect that. I would fit in with them just fine, I wear a bunny mask with blood running down it, my dark brown hair was spiked and I wore red contacts to make my eyes pop. "Who are you, what are you?" a human said in terror, I was about to kill him, I had his hair in one hand and my other hand squeezing his neck. "Me? I'm Satan's Son and you're about to be killed." I grinned behind my mask and squeezed my hand so I could feel my fingertips touching. He died within seconds and I dropped him to the ground. "Nice show, Satan's Son." I turned around slowly and took off my mask. It was Jeff the Killer, as usual, wearing his hoodie and hiding his face. "Am I ready now?" I asked walking towards him. "No, you're not. You still have much to learn." he stepped closer to me, we were about half a foot away from each other. I pulled his hood down and he was terrifyingly beautiful. "You could always teach me, Jeff." His carved up face was beautiful, I touched his face lightly and he closed the gap between us. "You know that's not up to me, but I can recommend it to Slendy." He brought his hand to my hair and tangled his fingers in my hair. I heard a woman scream from behind me, I turned my head slowly and faced towards her. " husband...please help!" She was kneeling beside her husband. "Hey Jeff? You still have that baseball bat on you?" I asked him. "Yeah?" he whispered. "Hand it here." I reached my hand out and he gave me that bat. I used my super speed and said to the woman, "Batter's up." She looked confused for a second and I swung the bat at her head and the headless woman went flying. "Homerun!" I screamed, "and the crowd goes wild!" I laughed making fake cheering noises. I stopped and turned to where Jeff was, but he was no longer there. I looked around, I was alone again. The cold swept around my body, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a jacket on the ground. I picked it up and smelled it. Jeff. This was Jeff's hoodie. I slipped it on and sped my way to the woods. When I got there, I sat down. I don't know how far I was into the woods but it didn't matter. I screamed off the top of my lungs, I hated being alone, this was the worst feeling in the world. But, I guess I was always alone, ever since school. I was called a freak, a demon child and they're all right. I'm Satan's Son and I can't help that. I screamed again and again. I was so lost in my mind, I was insane and I loved it. "If you keep screaming, you're going to get a mob of unhappy, sleepy civilians." I knew who it was, another creepypasta, and this one was not to be messed with..."Slenderman." I whispered and turned around. "Hello, Lucian." He said softly.

"What do you want with me?" I asked him, crossing my arms. "I think it's the other way around, What do you want with me?" He stood still as a rock and it was difficult to know what he was thinking of. "What I want is to join the Creepypastas. I know I'm ready! Please, I have no where else to go..." my voice trailed off, I wasn't going to cry, I haven't cried in five years. I've been stuck as a sixteen year old for three years now, I don't age or anything. I'm suppose to be eighteen but whatever. "Then come with me, my child." his voice echoed around the forest, then he was gone but he reappered ahead of me. I followed him, trying not trip on sticks or logs. Then it was when I saw lights ahead, I pushed myself a little further through the forest and saw it, the Creepypasta Mansion. Slenderman completely dissappeared and I walked up to the eight foot doors. I was about to knock but the doors opened. "Welcome to Creepypasta, Lucian." I was greeted by all the Creepypasta's. I grinned, this is home. This is where I belong.

"I'll show you to your room." Laughing Jack said pulling me up the stairs. My room was all the way down the hallway and as I passed the other doors there were certain items on them. One door had a painted mask, another had a giant smiley face, on the next door there was a black piece of cloth and the one that caught my attention was a picture. I stopped in front of the door and looked at it. There was a boy and girl, they're holding a knife and they had a grin made of red crayon on their face. Two people were on the ground, lying next to each other, a woman and a man. I went to turn the knob but it flew open throwing me to the ground. "Ow!" I had hit the back of the wall pretty hard, when I opened my eyes everything was blurry and as soon as it cleared I saw him and smiled. "Wipe that grin off your face, idiot." Jeff took my hand and lifted me up. "I see that your dream came true." I nodded at his statemnet, "Guess I'll be seeing you around, Jeff." I winked and followed Laughing Jack who was waiting patiently.

My room was kinda plain, but I could easily fix that. I'll just ransack an abandoned house and steal some posters and what not. I didn't bother checking the time, instead I plopped onto the warm, comfy bed and fell asleep. 

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