
5.6K 188 30

Liam: 30. Lieutenant.

Louis: 30. Paramedic In Charge (PIC).

Niall: 27. Paramedic (Louis' partner).

Harry: 24. Candidate.

Zayn: 4. The boy who changes everything.


"Liam, get up we've gotta go. Shift's starting in thirty," Louis whispers as he finds himself snuggling closer to Liam's constantly warm body.

"Mm, can't get up if you keep your head on my chest," Liam whispers back as he tilts his head down a bit to kiss the top of Louis' head.

"I'm stuck, maybe we'll have to call a paramedic in for assistance," Louis says back in a seductive manner as he finds himself beginning to straddle Liam's waist, however, teasing has always seemed to be a game of interest for the two.

"Oh don't worry I know just the person to call," Liam says in a husky voice as he leans in to catch Louis' lips, but just before he does he moves his head to the left and shouts out. "Niall! Louis needs a paramedic!"

In an instant Louis is jumping off his boyfriend of three year's lap and wrapping the comforter around himself before leaving the room to go freshen up in the bathroom with a face of annoyance clearly present. At the sight Liam can't help but laugh and half heartedly apologize before Niall walks in half dressed and toothbrush in mouth.

"Wha'?" The blonde man mumbles as he continues to brush his teeth.

"Just messing with Louis again," Liam says with a chuckle as he finally gets out of bed and begins to tug on a pair of pants. "Catching a ride with us, yeah?"

"Yeah my car's still in the shop. Promise once it's out I'll take us all in for the rest of the month to save you some gas money," Niall says as he walks away to spit the toothpaste out.

As the next ten minutes pass by, Liam, Louis, and Niall all manage to finish getting dressed as well as find time to make a quick breakfast before the three flatmates are out of the house and on their way to work which luckily enough for them is at the same place. It was a rather quiet drive because after living with each other for a couple of years now and working with each other for even longer you learn to not need to talk at every possible second.

So after the quick ten minute drive the three pull up to the building which has grown to be a second home to them. A building where their chosen family all lives in.

Firehouse 81.

That's right. Firehouse. Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam Payne were all members of one of the most elite firehouses in all of Detroit, Michigan. Or, well, technically only Liam was a firefighter, but Niall and Louis were a pretty killer duo as paramedics.

"Just the gentleman I was looking for," Chief Higgins says as he sees the three men walk through the door about five minutes early for their shift. "Lieutenant Payne, I would like you to meet your newest candidate Harry Styles."

Upon hearing his Chief's voice and what he had to say, Liam was quick to look up from his phone and walk over to the two men, quickly glancing over the younger one before shaking his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I look forward to seeing what you have to offer to our family here at Eighty One," Liam says as he shakes the younger lad's hand with a straight face.

"The pleasure is all mine, sir. I hope to make a positive impression because this is what I've been dreaming of doing ever since I was a kid," Harry says as he firmly shakes Liam's hand back before pulling away to shake Louis and Niall's hands as well.

"Louis Tomlinson, paramedic. And this is my partner, Niall," Louis introduces for the two.

"S'Harry, yeah?" Niall clarifies as he shakes the man's hand, and Harry is quick to nod his head. "Now tell me something, Harry. You a good cook?"

"Is that all you think about, Horan?" Liam laughs as he shoves the blonde man. "C'mon, Candidate, let me show you around."

And with that being said Liam begins to guide the young candidate throughout the building, showing him all the amenities. From where the showers were to giving him his own locker, Liam gave the man a brief run down of the place before introducing him to the rest of the crew...who in turn also asked about the boy's cooking abilities.

"Are you looking for a new house chef or something?" Harry asks a bit confused which causes everyone else to laugh a bit.

"Oh we're not looking, we've found one. Welcome to your new job as chef, Candidate. Hopefully you don't poison us," Louis says with a smile as he pats the boy on the back before walking over to another blonde man sitting on a stool. "Congrats, Luke. We no longer have to eat your pancakes without milk."

"Milk is like one of the main ingredients of-" Harry starts but gets cut off.

"Oh trust us we know, our old candidate didn't. Luckily for you, you're already one step ahead of the game.

Harry was about to reply to the man, however, before he could get a word out everyone is pausing at the sound of a loud alarm buzz.

Firehouse eighty one. Firetruck thirteen. Ambo sixty one. House fire, 31st and Main.


A/N: Hi! So yes this is very rough draft/vague, but I just wanted to put something out there. It's inspired by an episode from this show I'm obsessed with (Chicago Fire) and I'm really excited to show what I was planning. This story will probably be a bit shorter than the rest of mine, but I'm not too sure yet. 

Also as I mentioned in the past, updates for this won't really start until I finish another book, but I might throw one or two out before then.

Let me know what you think of this vague prologue and don't forget to vote and comment! Bye :)


PS. if anyone wants to make a cover I'd be really happy :)))

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