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As morning came around Zayn was beyond confused when he woke up. Not only was the room unfamiliar but he also found himself asleep next to an unfamiliar person. Being the shy, scared three year old he is, his first reaction is to immediately scoot away, however, he wasn't expecting to get tangled in the blankets.

The boy was simply just trying to distance himself from the unknown man, however, that quickly turned to him losing his balance and unfortunately falling from the bed. When the toddler fell immediately Scott and Benji were shooting up from their spots as they looked around to see what had happened. It didn't take long to find it though because before they could even get up Zayn was letting out a small sob as he held the spot on his head in which he hit.

"Oh, buddy, did you fall off the bed?" Benji coos as he gets up from his spot to go grab Zayn, however, the toddler only begins to cry harder at the man's movement. "Shh, bub, it's okay. I'm Benji, you remember me? You met me last night."

Slowly, Zayn's cries began to diminish as he slowly wiped the builded up tears from his eyes. It took a couple minutes, but eventually the boy was done crying and was simply sniffling as he took a better look at the man in front of him. Once he was able to process his thoughts Zayn realized the man was in fact familiar, so slowly he nodded his head as he slowly crawled out to him.

"There we go, yeah? What happened, bub? You roll off?" Benji coos as he manages to lift Zayn onto his lap as he remains sitting on the bed.

"Scared," Zayn mumbles as he slowly reaches for the stuffie he remembers being given the night before.

At that, both Benji and Scott coo at the little boy before Benji finds himself standing along with Zayn on his hip.

"That's alright, it's okay to be scared, bub. For now, though, what did you hit when you fell? You bump your head?" Benji asks as he runs a hand through the boy's hair.

"Hit m'head," Zayn mumbles while pointing to the spot he hit.

"Alright, how about I give you to Scott so he can look at your head while I go downstairs and begin to make breakfast? That sound good?" Benji asks the boy, and though Zayn was hesitant to be with the new man he slowly found himself nodding.

So Benji hands the toddler off to Scott as he exits the room, leaving it to be just Zayn and Scott. The older man could obviously see the little one's shyness, however, he made no point to point it out and simply carried the little one into the bathroom.

"Can you point to the spot where it hurts again, love?" Scott asks gently.

Slowly Zayn points to the spot he hit which was right between his hairline and forehead. Gently Scott runs a finger over the spot - apologizing when Zayn whimpers a bit - before pulling out a smack-n-shake ice pack. As Zayn awes at the pack in Scott's hand, the man chuckles before gently applying it to the boy's forehead which has him slightly flinching at the sudden coldness.

"S'cold," Zayn mumbles as he pokes the pack.

"It is cold, but you're gonna have to keep it there for a bit. We don't want that turning into a big bump," Scott coos as he then lifts the boy up all while keeping one hand on the ice pack to keep it in place.

With that, that older man began to make his way downstairs where he could hear Benji beginning to crack a bunch of eggs in order to make enough scrambled eggs for the fifteen boys plus workers who would show up not too long after the kids are up. Scott places Zayn down on the floor as he goes off to help Benji cook a bit. He settled for heating up the biscuits and pouring out the jugs of juices before noticing Zayn standing in the same spot he was placed down in looking lost as ever.

The Boy From Firehouse 81Where stories live. Discover now