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Being a high ranked official - such as lieutenant - within a firehouse, a few perks tag along. For instance, rather than sleeping in an open cubicle along with a bunk mate Lieutenants and chiefs have their own office where their bunk is located. So seeing as though Liam was in this position and that he is dating a my-way-or-the-highway type paramedic, it comes to no surprise when the man tells him to allow their little visitor to use his bunk for the night.

"He's scared of everyone here, Liam," Louis says with a serious yet sympathetic look. "Just let him have a small room to himself for the night."

"Fine, but only if I can be your bunk mate tonight," Liam says with a slight smirk as he places a chaste kiss to his boyfriend's lips.

"Ugh, not in front of the child!" Niall says in a joking manner.

"Come on, Niall. Styles is young, but I wouldn't call him a child," Liam jokes back upon noticing the curly headed man next to him.

In return, Niall laughs as Harry pouts which causes the lieutenant to give a quick apologetic shrug as Louis makes his way forward to grab the sleeping toddler from his partner's arms. With the boy in Louis' arms now, Liam can't help but smile at the fond look upon his boyfriend's face. He's cooing and bouncing the boy up and down just like Liam remembers his own mum doing to him when he was young, and he would be lying if he didn't the sight gave him butterflies in his stomach.

Eventually Louis stopped pacing around with the sleeping boy and simply entered Liam's sleeping/working quarters where he gently laid the boy down on the bed. He made sure that the room wasn't too cold, as well as securely wrapped the blanket around the boy. Once that was done, Louis walked out of the quarters - making sure to leave the desk light on - while keeping the door just a crack open.

"Hood, mind switching bunks with me for the night? You're closest to the lieutenant's quarters, and I'm the lightest sleeper," Louis asks and immediately the firefighter referred to as Hood - also known as Calum - agrees and grabs ahold of his blanket and pillow before switching.

Seeing as though it was fairly early - being only eight that evening - no one was really tired yet, so most simply retreated to the rec room while Louis decided to hang back in the sleeping quarters. Upon noticing his boyfriend staying, however, Liam sat down beside him as well and just waited for the man to speak.

"I never thought someone would actually use the Safe Haven," Louis says, his voice laced in shock. "I always thought it was nice to have because I guess it gave people a choice, but I just- I just never thought someone would actually leave their child there."

"Maybe it was for the best, Lou," Liam says softly. "Maybe Zayn will get to live a better life now. I know I'm not a doctor, but I don't think I have to be in order to tell you he's definitely malnourished. Maybe now, he'll get to find a home where he actually gets to eat three times a day."

"I know, but- but what if it doesn't get better?"

"Well, then, at least it was better for one night."


It's around five in the morning when Louis gets a weird feeling in his gut. Something just felt wrong, and because of that he couldn't bring himself to sleep. Slowly the man looked up from his sleep to see if anyone else was awake where he quickly that not to be the case. However, before he can put his head back down he hears a door beside him creak open a bit.

Upon hearing the noise, Louis remembers about their little guest staying with them and slowly turns towards Liam's office where he immediately spots a small figure standing at the door. Because of the small light left on, Louis can see a bit of his face which is laced in confusion as well as nerves, and it is only because of that does Louis slowly get up from the bed.

The Boy From Firehouse 81Where stories live. Discover now