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"Styles can you make that cheesy rice thing you made the other day for dinner tonight? That was so good," Niall shouts out as he sits in front of the TV in their rec room.

"It's called risotto and no because I already started on the tacos, I'll make that next shift," Harry replies as he continues to cook the food for this shifts dinner.

"It's the coldest day of the year and you're making tacos?!" The blonde man asks in bewilderment. "I mean like I would understand soup, but like tacos? That's just weird."

"When I was told to be chef four weeks ago I was never told I need to consult you guys in order to decide what dinner would be," Harry huffs as he throws a cut up pepper at the back of Niall's head, the latter then picking it up and eating it.

Upon seeing the blonde hardly even react to the throwing of food, Harry could only chuckle to himself as he continued cooking the food. At the moment all members of the house minus him, Niall, and Louis were on a run filling the truck up with gas as well as dropping off a couple of blankets to people they see on the street. Being just the beginning of January in Detroit, Michigan everyone expects it to be cold outside, however, no one expected it to be lows of -10° and highs of 5°.

Now obviously fire stations are known for helping people within the community, however, house 81 is slightly different. Being in the heart of one of the more dangerous, or rather low income, cities House 81 has always been labeled as a community station. At any point if any home or family were to need a safe place to stay or a warm meal to eat they instantly would go to the fire station. It was just a house rule that everyone knew of.

"It smells great, whatcha making tonight, Candidate?" Louis asks as he walks into the rec area going straight to one of the pots in order to taste it.

"Tacos, and no it's not weird to eat tacos on the coldest day of the year," Harry replies as he scoops a small bit of the meat into a bowl for Louis to snack on before dinner.

"Never said it was weird," Louis replies as he goes over to join Niall on the sofa.

Before Harry can even reply, though, he's cut off by the loud chattering of firetruck thirteen arriving back at the station. Within minutes everyone is now in the rec, Chief included, waiting for Harry to finish up dinner which doesn't take too much longer. Once Harry said dinner was ready it was as if Harry just said he was giving out a million bucks because everyone was lined up within five seconds. They grabbed a plate, served themselves, grabbed a drink, and then went to find a seat whether it be in front of the TV or at the dinner table.

For the most part it was a pretty peaceful day for everyone in the house, both the ambo and the fire truck only needing to leave the house twice for minimal assistance. However, as all firefighters know, nothing good ever comes from a quiet day.

It was Harry to excuse himself from the table first. His phone was ringing and he decided that it would be best to step away from the crowd in order to talk to his mother seeing as though the last time he talked to her he was greeted with some unwanted sounds from his work mates. So with Harry in the garage of the station now the man was just walking around talking to his mother when he decided to look out through one of the windows.

It was nothing abnormal really. It was snowing and the curly headed man had always loved watching snow fall and cover the ground. However, it was when he laid eyes on the area with a sign labeled Safe Haven did he notice something off. It looked as if the edge of a blanket was sticking out from of the boxed area.

"Uh, Lieutenant!" Harry shouted "Lieutenant I think you need to see this!" Harry continued to shout as he ran back into the rec room where everyone now looking up in concern.

The Boy From Firehouse 81Where stories live. Discover now