Castiel's Mistake

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One year ago...

Dean headed up to his room. Sammy was reading up on what he thinks could be a case. Cas watched as Dean walked away and he decided to follow him. He had something he wanted to tell Dean. Something very important.

Dean took off his shirt as Cas stood in the door way and watched. Dean looked over at the angel. "Hey Cas," he said casually, and looked away hoping Cas didn't see the light blush cross his face.

"Dean," Castiel said walking in the room and shutting it behind him. "I have to tell you something important."

"Is it about-"  Dean begun to say but Cas cut him off.

"No. I love you. I-"  Cas blushed slightly.

"I love you too Cas."  Dean smiled and put on an old t-shirt.

The angel walked over to Dean and grabbed him by the upper arms. He stared into Dean's beautiful eyes before closing his and pulled Dean close. Then he kissed him. It was a moment of bliss and the kiss was a passionate one.

Dean pulled away. "What the hell was that?" Dean yelled, his face bright red. Castiel realized what he had just done. He thought Dean meant that he loved him romantically, not in a family way. "I-" Cas began to explain but looking at Dean's face, which was unreadable, he couldn't.
"I have to go." Cas said and disappeared.

*                                       *                                  *
Castiel walked into the bar. A habit that he picked up from Dean. Drinking, something humans did when things don't go their way. He sat down at the bar, waiting for the bartender to finish refilling a man's glass.

Cas wanted to tell Dean how he felt for a while now. He thought he felt the same way, but clearly by his actions, he didn't. He was probably disgusted by it and he hated Castiel for doing it.

A girl walked into the bar and sat down beside Castiel. She had long black hair, dark brown eyes, light skin, and the body of a Victoria Secret model. She was wearing a little black dress and heels.

"Hey," she smiled at Cas with ruby red lips. "Hey," he smiled back. They stared into each other's eyes for a minute before the woman said, "Want me to buy you a drink?" Castiel opened his mouth to speak but the woman called, "Yo bartender! Over here!"

She ordered them some drinks. After about three or four drinks they started talking. "My name's Maria. What's yours?"

He wanted to say Cas, but that was the nickname Dean gave him. "Castiel," he smiled.

"Well..." Maria said leaning forward so close that Cas could smell her breath. "Do you want to go back to my place? I am sure that I can make it worthwhile."

They went to Maria's place. It was a small apartment but it was fancy. She lead him to the bedroom and pushed him against the wall. She kissed him passionately. She tasted sweet and bitter and nothing like Dean. Her lips didn't even feel like his.

She pulled him off the wall so she could take off his trench coat. It fell to the floor as she pulled him by his tie over to the bed. She pushed him down and stepped out of her heels and Cas took off his shoes and socks.

She climbed on top of him and kissed him again. His hands ran down her back and unzipped her dress. She helped him take it off. Her body was cool and soft. She undressed Castiel and he helped her.

Soon there was no more layers between them and they went on all night long.

On the Hunt (pjo/hoo Supernatural cross over fanfic) [On Hold]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن