Reason Why

352 12 2

Earlier that day...

Will saw everything. He knew that he should've done something, but like all bystanders he was too scared to do anything. The bell had rung and Will was late for class. 

Luke, Octavian, and Nathan had cornered Nico. Will could hear the insults they were throwing at him. Nico's body posture said that he wasn't scared, but his eyes radiated with fear. Then they started to attack him. Will ran to help Nico, but the three bullies dropped to the ground. Nico didn't lay a finger on them.

Will started at Nico. He was pale and sick looking, also he had a streak of blood running down his face. Will looked down at the bodies and he could tell that they were dead.

On the Hunt (pjo/hoo Supernatural cross over fanfic) [On Hold]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant