She calls the mansion not a house but a tomb.

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I sank to my floor in sobs. I pulled my knees up to my chest. I breathed out a silent curse. My ripped black skinny jeans comforted me. My Green Day sweatshirt clung to my body like a hug I was never gonna get. Jenna's words rang in my ears "you're just a gay ass dork! No one loves you! Your mom is dead because of you!" I was jilted out of my thoughts as I saw my brother walk in. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me up. He smacked the side of my face and I winced. He flung me into the living room. "Let's fucking go. We have to fuckin leave before tomorrow because we fuckin got a house in fuckin New Jersey." My brother said fuck in almost all of his sentences. I walked outside and slammed the door. The ride there was silent. 18 excruciating hours of silence.
We pulled up to the stupid house. I cringed as I saw We'd have neighbors. My brother ran into the house and claimed his room. I slowley went to mine, which was downstairs. There were plenty of rooms upstairs, but I wanted the basement. I turned on the light and unpacked. I laid out a black carpet and put up my black dressers, and put up my black bed and my bl- I think you get the point. Everything I opened was black. Soul included. I sat on my bed and looked around. My carpet was a HUGE carpet, but it didn't go all the way to the edges. It stopped about a foot short. I sat on my bed. And looked down at my converses. I had on the light, and the sun peaked through the many windows... There were about 7 big windows. I looked out one, and saw our neighbor's house. I went back over to my bed, plugged in my phone and put in my ear buds. Blaring American Idiot by Green Day.
I woke up to my dad shaking my shoulders. "It's Saturday. What the fuck do you want?" I groaned and rolled over. "Our neighbors came to see if we had any children the age of theirs. And we do. So get your lazy ass up and meet the kids" "you say OUR like mum isn't dead" I said, and rolled out of bed. "Fuck my life" I mumbled as I got dressed. Dad had left. I threw on my black ripped jeans, my Green Day hoodie, my black converses. I put on some eye liner, brushed out my hair and walked up stairs. I sighed and was met by my brother who rolled his eyes. And walked me into the main room. "-and here's my daughter, Thorn!" My dad said. I rolled my eyes. "Thorn, this is Donna." I muttered under my breath. She smiled and u tried to not puke. However, next to. Her sat a shy boy with brownish hair and glasses on the end if his nose. And then there was the most gorgeous boy I'd ever seen. He had floppy black hair, hazel eyes, and wore black. His eyes darted to me and I looked down. My dad 'coughed' "she can be shy" he continued. "Oh. Well, this is Mikey," she pointed to the brown haired boy. "And this is Gerard." She frowned and motioned to the other boy. I looked at him and shyly smiled. "Hi. Bye" I turned around to leave but my brother grabbed my shoulders. "Where the fuck you think you're going?" He spat at me. "To my room" I glared at him. I knew what was coming, but Dad, Mikey, Donna and Gerard had no clue.
Jude raised his fist and planted in on the side of my head. I winced and fell to the ground, my vision blurry. I heard my dad yell and saw two sets of feet walk away. I heard a woman say "Mikey, go home. Gerard, go ask if her dad needs help, I'm gonna go check on dinner." And with that, everything got quiet. "Thorn? You okay?" I heard a soft voice say. I felt something splash my face and I bolted up. "Wha-?!" I saw the pale boy with brown eyes and black hair staring at me. I blushed. The only sense of colour on my face. "Y-yea" I stammered. He extended a beautiful pale hand. "The name's Gerard" he smiled. I heard angry footsteps. Jude walked in, my dad no where to be seen, he ignored Gerard and walked over to my body. He kicked my ribs. I winced "that's for leaving!" He kicked my back "That's for making us move!" He kicked my head. I didn't hear what that one was for because I took a steal toed boot to the head.
I woke up in my bed. I ached. I saw my dad standing next to me. "Just in time for school" he said happily. I groaned. "Fuck my life" I said as I rolled out of bed. Apparently I slept all of Sunday. I looked at the clock 6:15 am?! Ugh. Dad saw my disgust. And shook his head. "Let's go. You need to be outta here in ten." He said and walked upstairs. I threw in the same outfit from Saturday (I have other clothes, promise) but they were neatly folded on my dresser. I got dressed, three on eye liner, and combed out my hair. I walked upstairs, and a bus pulled up. "Oh fuck" was all I could say as dad shoved me out the door "I love you! Have a good first day." He called. I walked up to the bus doors, the driver smiled politley. I clenched my jaw as j walked on and saw it was crammed with people. Two semi-framiliar faces sat in the front, and Gerard smiled and told Mikey to move over. I sat down with them. Cringing as the bus pulled up to a big building. "Fuck my life" I muttered under my breath. "You swear?" Gerard looked at me and made me jump. I just looked at him. We got off the bus and sure enough, it was just like my last school. "HA! LESBIAN ALERT!" some kid shouted and pointed at me. I tugged on my bag. "Emo scum!" Another yelled. Gerard grabbed my wrist and ran for the door. I was shaking badly because I hadn't taken my anxiety medicine. My pale face was even paler then before.
Gerard's POV//
We got a new family in town and went to say hi. The adult droned on and on about moving, a teenage boy sat in the corner, and 'entertained' us when the man went to go get someone. A girl came up. Omfg. She's hot! I tried to not blush. My mom introduced Mikes and I to her. She smiled shyly. "Hi. Bye" she said and turned around. Her brother grabbed her shoulders. I was expecting him to like, tell her it'll be okay or something, but he raised his fist and punched her. She fell to the ground. Her green eyes pleading. Her dad pulled him away, mom left with Mikey, and I stood there, watching as she was motionless on the floor. I mustered up enough courage
"You okay?" I asked dripping cold water on her face. "WHA-?!" she jumped. Her face got red, "Y-yea" she stammered. Soon enough her brother came back, her dad wasn't anywhere to be seen. He started kicking her and insulting her. He kicked her head and her beautiful emerald green eyes shut. I ran home, and to my room. I worried until Monday morning when she got on the bus. I sat with Mikes as always. "Mikes. Move over." I said, cramming him against the window as Thorn got on. He mumbled and moved a little. She sat down, and I could tell she was lost in thought. I smiled. I wanted her to speak, so badly. Her voice was adorable from what I'd heard. She finally did when we pulled up. "Fuck my life" she muttered. I smiled. "You swear?" I asked. Huh. I didn't take her as that type. She didn't answer. We got off the bus, and the insults started immediately. I grabbed her wrist and ran with her into the school. Her face got really pale as she started to tremble. Mikes had anxiety, so I knew she was having a panic attack. I looked at her schedule in her hands. "We have 8/9 classes together." I said.
Thorn's POV//
"We have 8/9 classes together" Gerard said and smiled. "First up is music." He walked me down the hall. Someone grabbed my hood and slammed me against a locker. The lock cut into my back. A boy with big blue eyes looked at me. "We don't like faggots in our school!" He sneered. "Leave her alone!" I knew what was coming next. "EXCUSE ME?! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?!" I loud female voice called. The boys eyes got wide and he dropped me to the ground. "Uh" he said as a rather short woman, with medium length black hair, looked to be in her 20's came over. "Well?!" She practically yelled. "Sorry Mrs. Carroll." The boy ran, and so did I. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I fell to the ground. Expecting the kicks, the insults, the hits. But none of it came. I looked up at Gerard, who held out his hand. "C'mon, don't wanna be late" he said and I took his hand. And we walked to class. Mikey was in the same class, so we all walked together. I was shaking, badly. As we got in, I looked around. There were twelve people counting the three of us. We sat down. "I'm Mr.Dinge" the man said. And smiled. "Hmm, small class and only one girl" I saw everyone turn around and look at me. I hid my face and sank in my chair. "I guess groups of 6 it is. I'll call role".
" Gerard Way? "
"Michael Way?"
"It's Mikey. Here."
"Oh. Um, Raymond Toro?"
"Here, and please, Ray."
"Okay. Uh, Frank Iero?"
"Bob Bryar?"
"Thorn Fire?"
I covered my face and mumbled "present"
"Josh Anderson?"
"Blake Owens?"
"Right here bitch"
He continued roll.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
"Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Frank, Bob aaaaand" his voice trailed off.
"Thorn. You guys are one team." Gerard and Mikey looked at me and smiled. We walked over to the practice room. Our assignment was to wrote two songs, sheet music and lyrics, and preform them in spring. O sat down in one of the plush purple chairs. A short boy with awkwardly styled hair and a few tattoos sat next to me. I muttered under my breath. Gerard sat on my other side. "Okay. Hi. I'm Gerard. This is my second year. And my brother Mikey is obviously my brother." He pointed to Mikes. They all looked at me, and one with fluffy hair asked "who's the girl Gee? We all know you. And Mikes. Who's the cute lil chicky?" I blushed and sank into my seat. " I'm Thorn. I'm new. And I want to get the hell out of here." I said, and then looked down. "Bob, you got drums this year too?" "Fuck yeah" "Ray, Mikes, Frank, you guys got guitar?" "Yeah" they all answered in unison. "Thorn, what do you play?" I looked down and stood up. I felt them watch me as I walked over to the case of instruments, and pulled out a microphone, drumsticks, and a guitar. "Take your pick. I can play them all." I said. Gerard looked at me. "Play em all so we can help." I grabbed the mic, and closed my eyes. Just like at home. Forget they're here. I started to sing "Stay Away From My Friends"- Pierce the Veil. They all looked at me when I finished. I liked this class. And I had it most of the day. I walked over to the guitar and did the guitar part for the same song. They all looked at me wide eyed when I walked over to the drums. I played the drums for the same song as well. When I finished, they all looked at me. " HOLY FUCK! YOURE AMAZING! " Frank yelled. I blushed. I heard Gerard mutter something to Ray. "she's hot AND can play music. Dude, this is like my dream girl!" I wasn't supposed to hear, but I did.

Hi! Hope you like this! Btw, I might unintentionally hit some trigger points, for readers and myself, so, I'm sorry.

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