Teenagers scare the living shit Outta me.

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It was time to go to school. I rolled out of bed, grinning. I checked my phone.
"Thorn, imma walked 2day. Not dealing with the bus. I'll txt you when I go if u want-gee"
"Sure. Will Mikes be there?"
"Aight. See you then."
I smiled and put my phone down. I pulled out my Nickleback hoodie. And threw it on over my matching tank top. I threw on Black and white skinny jeans, and my black converses. I went to grab my contacts, but i was out, so i just put on my glasses. I sighed and then I went upstairs. Jude wouldn't be up for a while, so I wasn't scared. As I grabbed a bottle of water my phone buzzed.
"Outside. U comin?-gee"
I ran out the door, and slid the bottle into my bag. I honestly forgot about the snow, and the fact that I had on glasses. They started to fog up, but I decided its best to just wipe them off. "Nice glasses!" "Frank?!" I said, spinning around. Ray was with him. "Yeah. We always walk. But Gee and Mikes tool he bus to see if you rode." "Oh." Well, this is awkward. "So, uh..." My voice trailed when Gerard grabbed my hand. Frank and Ray gasped. "DUDE?! SHES GONNA KICK YOUR ASS! LET HER GO!" Frank yelled and looked horrified. "Shut up Frankie. She would if she didn't like me." Several 'oooooo's' came from Mikey and Ray aimed at Frank. Frank looked at me. "Wait... You two... Are.... A" he paused and sighed "thing?" "Sorry man. To be honest, I kinda shipped Frerard..." They both stopped and looked at me, I couldn't help but laugh. Gerard made a stupid and obviously fake 'I'm mad' face, while Frankie blushed and looked away. Mikey 'coughed'. "I like music. Let's not be late." He said. Walking on. Gee smiled at me, and laced our fingers. As we walked up to school, he got a frigin death grip on my hand. "Gee, you're gonna cut off the blood flow in her hand" Frank teased, but he was right, my hand was turning purple.
As we walked up to school, the taunting began. Stuff like "Oh look! One Emo fag is holding hands with another worthless Emo shit!"and "Maybe they should share the same blade when they hide and cut themselves!" And "Maybe they should go fuck each other up the ass." And "Freak Shows" was the nicest that was said. I ducked my head and something hit me like a bullet to the heart that made me fight my shyness and my anger of the past three years poured out onto that kid. "Her mom is dead because of her. His dad left because of him. They're perfect for destroying families." That. Was. It. I ripped my hand out of Gerard's and he looked at me. I turned around and punched that kid in-between the eyes. He yelped. I grabbed him by his neck and threw him against the wall. I heard Gerard yell at me to stop, but I was too pissed. I help his head up.
One punch turned into five.
Five turned into eleven.
Eleven turned into twenty-two.
Twenty-two turned into thirty.
As I went to hit his stupid face again, something sharp hit the side of my head and I smiled as I fell. It was Dean. "Bitch, who do you think you are?" "Geezus mother fucking Way's girlfriend." And gee looked at me. "Who?" "Look up." As he did I took a groin shot. As I stood up, I looked at gee. "So, I'm some kind of God?" "Yeah" and Frankie whispered just loud enough for us to hear "then get down to 'pray'" "oh, shush frank!" He got wide eyed. I rolled my eyes and walked into class. "Morning Mr. Dinge!" I called. "Morning Thorn!" He yelled back. "Oh, uh, Thorn, Mikey, Ray, Frank, Gerard, please come here." I looked at them as we walked in. "Mr. Bryar has moved to a new state, you have to start your project over." Gerard sighed and looked down. "That is all" Mr. Dinge said as we walked out. "I'll be doing drums then...." They all looked at me. I laughed nervously. "I came up with one of the songs.... Kinda, its not d-done yet." I said. "Let's here it." Gee said glumly.
"Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say.

I never want to let you down or have you go 'its better off this way' for all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took. Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor!

I'm not okay!"
I stopped... "O-or, uh... There's this other one." I said, "we can do up to three. But must have 2. So, lets hear it."
"They're gonna clean up your looks, with all the lies in the books to make a citizen out of you.

Because they sleep with a gun, and keep an eye on you son. So they can watch all the things you do.

Because the drugs never work they're gonna give you a smirk cuz they got methods of keepin you clean. They're gonna rip up your head, your aspirations to shreds.

Another cog in the murder machine!

They said all teenagers scare the living shit outta me. They could care less as long as SOMEONE'LL BLEED. So DARKEN YOUR CLOTHES OR STRIKE A VOILENT POSE MAYBE THEY'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE BUT NOT ME!"
I facepalmed myself. They all smiled. I coughed nervously. "Dude. You're in the fucking band. Why are you shaking?" Gerard looked at me. "B-be c-cause. I-i a-am-m." I stuttered. Gerard stood up and hugged me. "I think we should do three songs. Those two are amazing. I also had an idea..." I don't know why, but I started to fangirl. For some fucked up reason "GO FOR IT!" I practically squealed. "Stop fangirling, would ya?" He looked at me and smiled. "I mean, I know I'm amazing, but still!" We all laughed.
"When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see a marching band.

He said son when you grow up would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned.

He said will you defeat them, your demons, and all the non believers. The plans that they have made. Because one day. I leave you, a phantom, to lead you in the summer, to join the Black Parade!

Sometimes I get the feelin, she's watchin over me! And other times I feel like I should go!

When through it all the rise and fall! The bodies in the streets! And when you're gone we want you all to know!

He stopped and smirked.
We all clapped. "You gotta name for it?" Ray asked. "I was thinking Welcome To The Black Parade" we all smiled.
The bell rang. I sighed and walked out into the hall. The next class was the only class I didn't have with Gee. I sighed. And I felt a hand on my should. The hand was too tan to be Gee's, and it spun me around. "The lil faggot isn't hear to save you, not like he could do anything anyway!" Dean glared, four people stood around him. "Let's play a game called 'how many bruises and tears can we give her before we get caught!'" They all snickered. And I just stood there. I didn't cry. I couldn't let them see me cry. But there was something I COULD do.

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