Writing The Book

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A/N: SO I SAW SEASON TWO. Actually I marathoned all the episodes the night they came out, ha. But anyway- this was BY FAR the best season yet. I've also fallen in love with Viggo as a villain, so unfortunately for Hiccup, he will eventually pop up into this fanfic. Anyway, enjoy!

As I read the Book of Dragons as it currently was, I boiled with anger. It wasn't real. It wasn't true. Bork, if anything, was an idiot. Not that a Berkian being an idiot surprised me. I curled my lip when I came to the Night Fury section. That was the question; to put in the Nightfury, or to not? 

Of course, putting in information about the species would make me seem otherworldly and intimidating. It would be good for scaring them. But it would also make the Nightfury seem mortal, and if even one of them was intelligent enough to grasp I was training dragons instead of killing them, they might want to hunt Toothless. Still, they might be too scared of me for that. As much as I wanted to change the village, I didn't want to risk Toothless in the process. It would almost be less risky to just attack them all head-on. Not that I could do that. Well, I could try.. I shook my head slightly. I needed to be smart about this.

It was ok though, gathering information on every dragon in this book would take months and months. Even years. I would have to travel to every place in the archipelago. Possibly even beyond it. It wasn't a pleasing notion, but I figured I could leave the Vikings to their ways for a bit longer. So long as I hurried and took care of myself, I could get the book back before they destroyed all the dragons, and after they again thought I was dead. 

It would be years to improve my suit, too. I needed to make it more airtight and manipulable. It also needed to expand enough to make me not look like Hiccup, but it also must be very light, since I would spend most of my time on Toothless's back. 

My mind wandered to Dragon Island. Would it be smart to leave that person- that obvious villain- to their own devices until I returned? Not to mention, Alvin seemed to be working with them. If that villain could control the Red Death, it could easily destroy Berk. 

I shook myself. Why did I care about Berk? The only reason I would care about this area is because of the amount of power the villain would gain from that much land. It would be detrimental if he tried to hunt me, if he could control the dragons. I wouldn't let him hurt the dragons. It was possible he already knew of my existence. Well, be that as it may, I was going to re-write the book of dragons. 

Starting with the parts I already knew. To be honest, that wasn't most of it. I documented how to train the basics; the dragons I had encountered in the killing arena and all the dragons I knew from traveling around Berk. Still, I had a list of at least 20 basic species that I knew nothing about training, and that wasn't even the dragons I knew I would find if I travelled farther than any Berkian ever had. 

I narrowed my eyes. This was going to happen. I was going to discover it all. And there was no stopping me. 


My eyes rested on the sea below. It had been days of traveling now. I ached from sitting on Toothless's back for so long. It was interesting though, to study the sea life from above. I would see the flashes of what appeared to be a scauldron or a sea shocker. Disappointingly enough, I never saw a Thunderdrum, but that was no matter. I had many days to go. I didn't know how I would discover much about these dragons unless I found a cove full of them. I sighed. I suppose it's all patience. 


I passed many islands, all inhabitable. It gave me many facts about many dragons when I landed on the beaches and were able to study their behavior. Some dragons even didn't attack, although that wasn't normally the case. Changewings in particular proved impossible to calm down. Not to mention their acid would burn through anything I used to protect myself, unlike fire. 

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