Blackwater Ridge, Colorado (12)

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A.N.-Three chapters wow I'm good. As for the song thought it was appropriate but at the same time not so much. Sorry. Anyway without further adieu here's chapter 12!

"I'm heading to Blackwater Ridge with Brad and Gary. I'll be home in a few days. Love you." a man told a young woman and a young man.

"You take care of your sister while I'm gone, ok? You're the man of the house now." and the young man nodded as he hugged the older man.

"Just come home safe, ok Tommy?" the man now named Tommy nodded towards the woman, who told him that as he made his way towards the door. Before he left however, he went back and gave his little sister a hug.

"I will be fine, Haley. Ok? I love you both." then Tommy was gone leaving Haley and his younger brother alone in their family home.

Almost a week later, Tommy and his two friends, Brad and Gary were in their tents getting ready for bed, well sort of.

Brad and Gary were in their tent playing on a hand-held video game while Tommy was getting ready to record a video in his.

"Dude, you're cheating." Brad accused Gary as they continued to play their video game war.

"Nope, you just suck." As they continued to play, Tommy as he used his phone, began recording,

"Hey, Haley. Day six. We're still out near Blackwater Ridge. We're fine, keeping safe. So don't worry. Talk to you tomorrow." Then ended the video and sent it to Haley unaware of the terrors in the night.

In Brad and Gary's tent, Brad quit playing and Gary questioned him as Brad was getting ready to go outside,

"Hey, where you going? My moment of victory." and Brad only replied with slight anger,

"Nature calls." then he went outside. As he made his way towards the tree to relieve himself a twig snaps near him. Brad turned towards the sound only return to what he was doing when rustling followed by more twigs being stepped on. Suddenly, Brad heard growling before the creature attacked. Tommy, who was reading at the time heard him scream but not only him, Gary as well.

"Brad." Gary yelled which caused Tommy to question him from his tent,

"Gary, what's going on?" but Gary didn't answer instead he got up and opened his tent just a little. He stuck his head out to see what was out there and to see if Brad was ok. However, he never got the chance because the creature was standing in front of him. The creature grabbed him by the head and pulled him out of the tent and away just like it did to Brad.

Tommy being the only one left, immediately turned out his lamp thinking that as long as this thing couldn't see him, he would be ok. However, he was wrong because the creature moved around his tent as it ran. Tommy tried to follow it with his eyes but couldn't. The creature was too fast for the human eye to follow.

The creature continued to move around Tommy's tent almost like it was taunting him to get out of the tent. Tommy moved further into his tent as it moved until the creature slashed the area where he was. Tommy moved away as he screamed just as it descended upon him.

The creature took the three campers away to wherever it came from leaving behind a broken, bloody mess in it's wake. The creature carried the three campers to a stone cave before it dropped them off. It took Brad to a different part of the cave before it came back for the others. The creature grabbed Gary first, hung him up by the hands with rope before he went back for Tommy and did the same. This creature then went back to Brad and finished him off.

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