Toledo, Ohio (31)

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A.N.- The picture above is what the shack looks like.

Lydia opened her eyes and sat up only to notice that she was in a shack. This shack was huge bigger than your ordinary shack. It was like a mansion but not quite. Lydia stood up and took one step forward only to nearly fall on her face. She looked down to see her sister, Hayley, dead with her throat slashed. She nearly screamed when she suddenly felt that someone else was inside this shack. Lydia touched her sister's body, closed her sister's eyes and stood back up.

She reached behind her back and pulled out one of her guns that she keeps hidden and began to slowly walk around the shack. Lydia walked around opening doors as she went but when she opened one door in particular, she once again nearly screamed. Dean was hanging from a ceiling fan with a rope around his neck. She immediately went to him, only to see that his neck was broken and she collapsed to the ground in pain. She cried,

"Noo! Dean! Noo." Tears ran down her face as she once again felt that someone was in this place. Shakily, she stood up and walked out of the room where Dean hung. As she made her way around the rest of the house/shack, she found the rest of her family all dead as well but she has yet to find Sam. So she continued her trek around the biggest house, she has ever been in.

Lydia slowly made her way down a hallway, she has no idea how she came upon it, all the way to another door. With shaky hands, Lydia opened the door to reveal a bedroom only without any furniture just a single chair with someone in it. She walked forward and spun the chair around only to see Sam. Lydia sighed in relief as more tears fell and spoke,

"Sam, Dean... Dean and Hayley are... are dead." But she got no response, nothing at all. So she shook him a little as she asked worriedly,

"Sam?" And she shook him again only to have his head fall right off his shoulders. Lydia watched as the head rolled onto the ground and she fell right on her ass. The head rolled right into her lap and she couldn't keep back her scream any longer so she screamed at the top of her lungs. Just then an eerie voice sounded behind her,

"Poor Lydia. Lost her entire family." She spun around immediately with tears falling down her face to see a yellowed eyed man in the doorway. Lydia felt the hairs at the back of her neck stand up as he made his way closer as he continued,

"I hope you enjoyed the display. I worked very hard to get each and every one of them into place. Now, to make this masterpiece complete." Then grabbed her by the hair as he dragged her into a bathroom where a tub was full with water. He grabbed her up by the hair and threw her down into the water and held her there. Lydia screamed and thrashed all around as water began to fill up her lungs. The yellow eyed man lifted himself off her and she sat up and leaned over the tub coughing up the water as she took huge gulps of air. The man grabbed her once again by the hair and dragged her away from the bathroom as he spoke,

"That's not the way. This is the way." She couldn't understand what he said before she noticed they were on some stairs. The yellow eyed man took out a gun and pointed it at her. Lydia's eyes grew wide and she screamed,

"Nooooo!" Just as the trigger was pulled.

Lydia screamed,

"Nooooo!" as she suddenly gasped awake and Dean, who was used to the silence that was in the car with everyone asleep, swerved the car as he swore,

"Son of bitch!" Before he slammed on the brakes. He put the car into park just as Lydia shakily and still screaming unbuckled herself and opened the car door. Dean took one quick look at the back to see that both Sam and Hayley were still asleep before he climbed out of the car and ran after Lydia who had taken off down the highway, screaming. It didn't take long for Dean to catch Lydia because she fell a few times as she ran and grabbed her.

The Road Trip (A Supernatural Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant